After spending ages lighting the place up we eventually found some LED light units and decided to test one of them out as they Looked pretty interesting with 96 Cree LEDs in each bank WTF?........Night vision destroyed in seconds lol
After spending ages lighting the place up we eventually found some LED light units and decided to test one of them out as they Looked pretty interesting with 96 Cree LEDs in each bank WTF?........Night vision destroyed in seconds lol
Loads downstairs, but they weighed a ton with the transformer units on the back.
Looked like 1W Cree units? only small LEDs and not enough reach for the stage area, obviously floodlight units for the climbing wall.......if/when it"s built
Loads downstairs, but they weighed a ton with the transformer units on the back.
Looked like 1W Cree units? only small LEDs and not enough reach for the stage area, obviously floodlight units for the climbing wall.......if/when it"s built