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Report - - ABC Cinema - January 2018 - Maidstone, Kent | Theatres and Cinemas | Page 2 |

Report - ABC Cinema - January 2018 - Maidstone, Kent

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O high
Staff member
i know this post is a few years old but i had a look around the building today and couldn’t really see a way in besides areas really surrounded by cameras- any ideas if they check the cameras? i’ve never been to an abandoned cinema before and really want to get in it
There's not really a way to tell if cameras are checked or monitored... best way is just to go for it and hope for the best. You'll soon find out if they are being watched...!


28DL Member
28DL Member
okay thanks! any guesses on what would happen if i got caught? i’ve only been to isolated places so never had to worry about it before


O high
Staff member
okay thanks! any guesses on what would happen if i got caught? i’ve only been to isolated places so never had to worry about it before
All depends really, lots of variables. Where you are, how you got in, who turns up and the mood they're in, etc etc. As long as you're polite and haven't caused any damage, you should be alright. Don't take my word as gospel, though !
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good old changeover pin board system left in the projection room, thanks for the happy memories from a old projectionist

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