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Report - - Acorn Shipyard, Rochester July 2018 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Acorn Shipyard, Rochester July 2018

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Muppet extraordinaire
What a shame. A very photogenic place when the light was right and we found it just before sunset as the police were outside st barts when we went to access it so went for a drive and found the site..... so st barts was in the darkness but i had already been earlier in the week just as they had begun to tear the core from the building. By the Friday when we found the shipyard, the core had been torn right out of most of st barts....but the morgue was special with the spinning slab which I just has to sport a stocking skull mask and do a few 360 camera shots whilst on the morgue slab also wearing my pork pie hat :] I do not post my imagery to here it is far too anal with the rules & rules are made to be broken...or none of us would be doing this would we now :]


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