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Report - - Adelphi Hotel Gym and Spa (Spindles Health Club), Liverpool - January 2023 | Leisure Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Adelphi Hotel Gym and Spa (Spindles Health Club), Liverpool - January 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Britannia’s buildings often set the spider senses tingling, especially when spotted from any elevation which doesn’t face a main street. I’ve been thinking for years that they’ll fold and produce an interesting estate of buildings to potentially explore, but somehow they keep soldiering on.


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Britannia’s buildings often set the spider senses tingling, especially when spotted from any elevation which doesn’t face a main street. I’ve been thinking for years that they’ll fold and produce an interesting estate of buildings to potentially explore, but somehow they keep soldiering on.

Yeah, from what I can tell the business survives on the tight coach tour companies looking for cheap and cheerful accommodation, they certainly aren't competing with the bigger operators.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
In the process of trying to work out the roof entry for this place, and in reading through the reports and wandering the corridoors I've built up a fascination for the hotel. Such an odd place, some of the downstairs lobby and restaraunt areas are truly remarkable, interior design genuinely on the level of spectacle of some of the nicest hotels in the country. Yet let down by how grim the place has got

The corridoors stink of smoke, everything seems unclean, it's just not pleasant. I wouldn't want to run my finger through the carpets there for sure.

You and others mention how grim the staff only areas are, and I can second that from the little of those I've seen so far. But what astounds me is how grim it is in general - even in public areas there's litter everywhere and just grime. Shame the place has gone downhill from being such a special building

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