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Report - - Air raid shelters for IG Farben Plant - Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland - Jan 25 | European and International Sites |

Report - Air raid shelters for IG Farben Plant - Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland - Jan 25

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Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
This was a mini bonus explore found by chance on a recent trip to Poland. The entrances to these are visible from a Lidl car park opposite our hotel so we had to have a look. It took some digging to find out what they were actually for when we got back.

IG Farben was a large German chemical company heavily linked to the Nazi war efforts. They were involved in the creation of Auschwitz, acquiring the land to build it and using the prisoners as slave labour and as test subjects. They also manufactured Zyklon B, the pesticide used as poison in the gas chambers. A number of senior figures from the company were tried during the Nuremberg trials.

They had a large factory in Gorzow Wielkopolski which was at the time the German city of Landsberg an der Warthe, being renamed to Gorzow Wielkopolski after the war. From what we can find this particular plant produced synthetic fibres used for parachutes during the war. The original site is now mostly gone, a few of the office buildings have been re-used and a large modern chemical plant sits on the site of the factory. The company itself was split up after the war and some of its subsidiaries are still well known today including Bayer chemicals who manufacture Aspirin, Clarityn, and many many other well known drugs and pesticides.

These shelters sit on some wasteland on the boundary of the modern chemical plant and behind a Lidl and a gym. While we could see the entrances it was a bit of a pain to find a way to them but was a fun diversion at the end of a day of exploring. There are 4 sets of large shelters each with 2 entrances, they are surprisingly clean and in great condition. As always with air raid shelters they are very samey so we haven't included that many shots.

Factory office/admin buildings.

Buildings today converted to shops.













Thanks for looking.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice find! interesting piece of history there re the chemical plant as well
can't believe how well preserved they are compared to the usual graffiti and rubbish tips seen over here.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Nice find! interesting piece of history there re the chemical plant as well
can't believe how well preserved they are compared to the usual graffiti and rubbish tips seen over here.
We were surprised at how vandalism and rubbish free they are.