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Report - - Albert Road/Alma St-Upper George St Deep Level Shelters - Luton, Beds - July 2014 | Underground Sites |

Report - Albert Road/Alma St-Upper George St Deep Level Shelters - Luton, Beds - July 2014

Rik UE

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My Visit

Visited with Els and Southside Assassin, these were the second and third shelters visited that day out of three, again thanks for the invite and lift guys, much appreciated.

With one shelter under our belts, we moved onto to Albert Street Shelter, this was located by Els, good work there and with Southside Assassins bulging muscles lol the lid came up no problem, cones out, tape out and all the safety precautions taken, being the professionals we are off down we went.

As soon as we got in this shelter, we all commented on how cool this one was, very large, went on for quite a while, this was the favourite out of the lot for the day for me.

Again photographs aren't the best, due to my lack of lighting, I now realise how important a torch is in these places, and when Wevsky and Paul Powers say a torch is not just a torch! I really do understand now lol :)

Albert Road​












Alma St/Upper George Street​

Very high spirits after visiting Albert Road, there was a brief discussion whether or not to try one more, after a little deliberation it was decided one more to locate.

Locating this one took a little longer, we tried a few, we were relying on Els with this one, and after inspecting a few, he came up trumps, Els has located the cover, good work that man!

Off we went, I was first to go down, this one was in a worse state than the others, well this entrance was as the original ladder had completely rotted away.

With us all in, Els and Southside pushed onwards while I was at the top of the stairs getting camera ready and could hear a bit of noise going on, followed down and saw why, and have to say when we tried to proceed into this one, there was what I can only call gunge all over this shelter on the floor, it stuck to the boots like cement, it was decided to turn around and go back, but we all gave it a another go, we pushed on through the gunk, and with every footstep you could feel the suction, this stuff was truly nasty lol.

We got past most of the gunk only to be meet with a flooded part of the shelter, it was at this stage, we decided to call it a day with this one.

There is another entrance at Upper George Street that connects the same shelter, Southside has posted a report about this entrance to the shelter and you can see it here

I only managed to get a couple of shots from this place and they weren't too great, so please take time to look at Southsides report regarding this shelter, his photographs are much better.


The gunge! Truly awful stuff

Past the gunge and greeted with this!

Thanks for looking a great day out :)
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28DL Full Member
Tremendous work - I can't imagine those have been seen much in the last 70 years :cool

Rik UE

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the comments guy, not too disappointed as this was my first shelter and not equipped properly lighting wise they were ok.