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Report - Aspen Skyscraper,London - February 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

What is The Aspen?​

The Aspen is the 3rd highest skyscraper in Canary Wharf.
It won the United Kingdom Property Awards in 2023-2024.

The Aspen is a beast of a building, having over 65 floors!

“Tall & elegant, Aspen at Consort Place defines its district's skyline.”

The Plan​

We got ready and headed towards Canary Wharf one more time.

After checking online for an injunction on this place and finding nothing we decided to send it.

Got there early to scout the place for any entrances and see what security was like.

We also double checked for any signs of an injunction on the tall fences they had put up.

We waited till sundown…

Around 5PM we were just getting ready to go in, but to our suprise two people next to the building stood out from the crowd.

They were taking their bags of and gearing up, they were about to jump in.
5 seconds and they were over the fence, we quickly followed behind.

We had to improvise to get up the stairs...

After the pain staking 60 floors we were met with another door blocking the stairs.

The other 2 from our group were taking their time going up the stairs, so we had time to look for a way in.

We finally made it to the top, where we saw the other group taking pictures.

The view

Words can’t describe it, but photos can!








2 pictures of me:



And @qorj

Saw a one guard one the way down, but we got out unseen.

We post the videos of the view on instagram, profile is public.
Go check them out if you want!

@qorj ig -
My ig - yanis._.banned

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O high
Staff member
Yes then! Fair play for doing the research too as this does legit seem to be outside of the injunction zone. Bumping into others also looking for mischief always makes things somewhat more interesting, couldn't write it could you.

I edited a couple of bits that talk about access but very minimal. Some of the photos seen to be smaller than others - can you try and make them all the same size?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yes then! Fair play for doing the research too as this does legit seem to be outside of the injunction zone. Bumping into others also looking for mischief always makes things somewhat more interesting, couldn't write it could you.

I edited a couple of bits that talk about access but very minimal. Some of the photos seen to be smaller than others - can you try and make them all the same size?
The size of the pictures is because some are taken landscape and some portrait.
Thats why they look smaller.
And in regards to the other group, they were bastards.

Completely ignored us and wouldn’t even tell us how they got up, our terribly afraid of heights friend didn’t want to go up from the outside of the building.So he asked for help, bastards ignored him.

So not much to say about them in the post.


O high
Staff member
The size of the pictures is because some are taken landscape and some portrait.
Thats why they look smaller.
And in regards to the other group, they were bastards.

Completely ignored us and wouldn’t even tell us how they got up, our terribly afraid of heights friend didn’t want to go up from the outside of the building.So he asked for help, bastards ignored him.

So not much to say about them in the post.
Not the ideal outcome of meeting others. The way I see it, at that point, you all want the same thing so might as well work together otherwise it can get complicated; shame they didn't get that.
Oh okay, I see what you mean r.e. photo sizes. I've had a play around and tried to match them up a bit more


professional crayon eater
28DL Full Member
It's actually the 4th tallest on the isle of dogs after 1 canada, landmark and nefoundland. Also probably intentionally 1 meter taller than south quay plaza at 5th place. I get the impression the secca kind of gave up caring recently, everyone I know that has done it recently seems to be using the same way.



Was going to make a post on consort after it had completed but I don't think it deserves multiple reports so i'll just leave a few of my favorite pics from my visits up there. Most memorable time was a torrential thunderstorm up on the crane there last september, we got absolutely drenched but it was a good laugh.

Favourite one of me taken by a pal who I don't think uses 28DL


looking west

DSC06512 2.jpg

Sunrise in the summer with a couple people


end of the line


SQP jib behind me


night of the thunderstorm, right after the lightning chilled out


Fun site, wish i got to it before they got rid of the first crane and replaced it with the flat jib though
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's actually the 4th tallest on the isle of dogs after 1 canada, landmark and nefoundland. Also probably intentionally 1 meter taller than south quay plaza at 5th place. I get the impression the secca kind of gave up caring recently, everyone I know that has done it recently seems to just hop the wall on wardian side and ignore cams.

Back when the building first topped out we started off with a tiny blind spot that no longer exists by the smaller west tower, straight into the small tower core and then down into the three storey basement complex connecting all three towers. Couple ways of bypassing the locked floor in the core are no longer possible, pushing a grate out and climbing past the locked floor (no longer possible), opening up the lift shaft to climb up a level (lifts fitted now, wouldn't recommend), or climbing the external cargo lift above where the secca car usually parks (guessing this is what you did). Then back into the core to the top.



Was going to make a post on consort after it had completed but I don't think it deserves multiple reports so i'll just leave a few of my favorite pics from my visits up there. Most memorable time was a torrential thunderstorm up on the crane there last september, we got absolutely drenched but it was a good laugh.

Favourite one of me taken by a pal who I don't think uses 28DL


looking west

DSC06512 2.jpg

Sunrise in the summer with a couple people


end of the line


SQP jib behind me


night of the thunderstorm, right after the lightning chilled out


Fun site, wish i got to it before they got rid of the first crane and replaced it with the flat jib though
Thats a beautiful view, good job.Also, i didn’t know you could push the grates up.Gonna try that next time, we thought they were screwed in


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's actually the 4th tallest on the isle of dogs after 1 canada, landmark and nefoundland. Also probably intentionally 1 meter taller than south quay plaza at 5th place. I get the impression the secca kind of gave up caring recently, everyone I know that has done it recently seems to be using the same way.



Was going to make a post on consort after it had completed but I don't think it deserves multiple reports so i'll just leave a few of my favorite pics from my visits up there. Most memorable time was a torrential thunderstorm up on the crane there last september, we got absolutely drenched but it was a good laugh.

Favourite one of me taken by a pal who I don't think uses 28DL


looking west

DSC06512 2.jpg

Sunrise in the summer with a couple people


end of the line


SQP jib behind me


night of the thunderstorm, right after the lightning chilled out


Fun site, wish i got to it before they got rid of the first crane and replaced it with the flat jib though
Fun fact, it is currently the tallest building under construction in the whole of London rn.
Thats not even counting the crane on top of it, which is another 20-30m


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well done! this looks like a fun one.

Nice photos too, gotta love a London skyline...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What were these shot on?
It's actually the 4th tallest on the isle of dogs after 1 canada, landmark and nefoundland. Also probably intentionally 1 meter taller than south quay plaza at 5th place. I get the impression the secca kind of gave up caring recently, everyone I know that has done it recently seems to be using the same way.



Was going to make a post on consort after it had completed but I don't think it deserves multiple reports so i'll just leave a few of my favorite pics from my visits up there. Most memorable time was a torrential thunderstorm up on the crane there last september, we got absolutely drenched but it was a good laugh.

Favourite one of me taken by a pal who I don't think uses 28DL


looking west

DSC06512 2.jpg

Sunrise in the summer with a couple people


end of the line


SQP jib behind me


night of the thunderstorm, right after the lightning chilled out


Fun site, wish i got to it before they got rid of the first crane and replaced it with the flat jib though
Shot on?

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