Today, myself, dweeb and OT somehow blagged our way past port police, and got into the port area of Avonmouth near Bristol, in the past this has been notoriously hard to gain access to, and the spillers mill was the target for the day...
Somehow we managed to get In (with a little dweeb charm)- Out - And back out of the docks without the shit hitting the fan, this was fantastic, just like the millenium mills inparts, very much like the spillers mill in Hull.
Dweeb did some charming
anywho, stopping with the messing about and babbling, here's the pics...
p.s. I have no idea how the last pic came out...its not edited at all...
Somehow we managed to get In (with a little dweeb charm)- Out - And back out of the docks without the shit hitting the fan, this was fantastic, just like the millenium mills inparts, very much like the spillers mill in Hull.
Dweeb did some charming
anywho, stopping with the messing about and babbling, here's the pics...

p.s. I have no idea how the last pic came out...its not edited at all...
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