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Report - - Ayton Monument Mine, Great Ayton, Cleveland June 2015 | Mines and Quarries | Page 3 |

Report - Ayton Monument Mine, Great Ayton, Cleveland June 2015


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As with all ironstone mines, you need a gas meter here.

Conditions change in there dependant on weather conditions and places that are fine one day could get you into some serious trouble another day.

Yes i agree with you i have been in here 3 times now and never venture too far in for that exact reason i,m well aware of the dangers so keep very close to the entrance. Sound advice though and serves as a warning to anyone else attempting it for the first time.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Need a couple more visits before I'll have enough to put a report together. Charged all my light batteries tonight so will try and get over one night this week.
Glad you eventually found it, takes some finding tbh it was easier 25 years ago as the site is much more overgrown now well it appeared that way. Wouldnt of minded another look in here as we missed the engine plane. Belting pic of yours btw.