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Report - - Baglan Bay CCGT Power Station, Port Talbot, Aug 23 | UK Power Stations | Page 2 |

Report - Baglan Bay CCGT Power Station, Port Talbot, Aug 23

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I had a look here recently. It's a pity that the control room got burnt out. There's still plenty of interest left. I was hoping that the chimney might be accessible, but a very long ladder would be needed to reach the ladder inside the stack.

There's roaming groups helping themselves to scrap metal and electrical equipment. On my second trip someone had opened the gates and had a car on site. They were trying to drag electrical equipment off with a rope. There was another group on mopeds and a cargo bike. They're fine though, don't seem bothered if you're having a look round.

There's two gas turbines on site, the smaller one meant they could start up the rest of the site without any external power. There's lots of information in the admin block.
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