Thought I'd chuck a report up from the backlog as it's now been pretty much demolished.
Unfortunately the control room had been torched by the time of my visit, so I didn't even bother looking for it. Probably would have been wise to, my lack of effort resulted in me completely missing the main turbine...oops 😂
Check out @albino-jay report (Here) to see the missing turbine!
The History
The BP Petrochemical Site
Before Baglan Bay Power Station, the area was home to a major petrochemical complex owned by BP Chemicals. In 1963 BP (trading as British Hydrocarbon Chemicals, Ltd.) opened petrochemical plants at Baglan Bay, partly to benefit from the proximity of the BP oil refinery at Llandarcy, which could supply feedstocks.
An Aerial View from April 1973 -
The plants produced 125,000 tons of petrochemicals during the first year of operation. The main products were ethylene (50-60,000 tons a year), ethylene dichloride (64,000 tons), propylene, butadiene (5000 tons), and isobutylene.
Several other companies built chemical plants at Baglan Bay. Forth Chemicals (a joint subsidiary of Monsanto and BHC), had a styrene monomer plant within the BHC site. The petrochemicals complex produced alcohols, styrene, olefins, and benzene from the mid-1960s, and vinyl chloride monomer and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from the early 1970s.
By 1968, BP Baglan Bay was one of the largest petrochemical sites in Europe, employing 2500 workers at its peak in 1974. Other companies with plants at Baglan Bay included W. R. Grace (polybutenes) and Pfizer.
By the late 20th century, the petrochemical industry in the UK began to decline. This, along with shifts in global markets and environmental concerns, led BP to gradually close the site between 1994-2004. The land was subsequently redeveloped for industrial use, including the construction of Baglan Bay Power Station, and the Baglan Bay Energy Park, although much of the plants former footprint remained empty.
The oldest satellite view from Google Earth shows the Baglan Power Station, and the remaining BP facilities on site, dating from April 2002 -
Power Station Background
Baglan Bay Power Station was a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant operated by General Electric. Located near Port Talbot, it stood on the site of the former BP Plant and was part of an industrial redevelopment plan for the Baglan Bay area. It was once considered one of the most efficient power stations of its time due to its cutting edge technology.
The construction of Baglan Bay Power Station began in the late 1990s as part of a broader regeneration project for the Baglan Bay industrial site. The power station was constructed on a portion of the site previously occupied by the Isopropanol Plant, one of the areas closed prior to the full shutdown of operations by BP.
The station was designed to demonstrate GE's latest H-System gas turbine, which boasted world leading efficiency and a reduced environmental impact compared to older power stations. The plant had a capacity of around 525 megawatts, enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes.
The station was officially commissioned in 2003 with the facility being one of the first in the world to use GE’s advanced H-Class turbines.
Its use of a CCGT process made it cleaner than traditional coal fired power plants. Additionally, its proximity to industrial areas made it a potential provider of power and heat through cogeneration to nearby industries, although this potential was not fully realised, with the nearby remaining chemical industry closing by 2004, and redevelopment with new industry not materialising.
Compared with data for existing UK CCGT facilities, Baglan was touted to have 80 per cent lower NOx emissions and 16 per cent lower CO2 emissions.
It had black start capability, using a 33MWe GE LM2500 gas turbine to facilitate this.
A Brief Overview of Black Starts
A black start is the process of restoring an electrical power grid to operation after a total or partial shutdown.
Initial Power Source
Restoration of a Minimal Grid (Islanding)
Full Grid Restoration
The General Electric H-System
H-Class turbines were designed to operate at high efficiency by using both gas and steam turbines. The system used the heat produced by burning natural gas to turn a gas turbine and then used the excess heat to generate steam, which in turn powered a steam turbine. This method allowed for an overall efficiency rate of about 60%, which was significant for the early 2000s.
A standout innovation of the H-System was its closed loop steam cooling. Unlike traditional turbines that used air cooling, this system utilised high pressure steam to cool critical components like the turbine blades and combustor liners. This allowed the turbine to operate at higher firing temperatures (over 1,430°C), which increased efficiency and power output.
It also utilised advanced single crystal alloys which were used for the turbine blades. These materials offered superior thermal and mechanical properties, enabling the turbine to withstand extreme heat and stress for prolonged periods, thereby improving durability.
Environmental and Cost Benefits
The H-System emitted fewer greenhouse gases compared to traditional turbines. For every unit of electricity generated, fuel consumption and therefore CO₂ emissions were reduced. Fuel savings at Baglan specifically were estimated at $8 million annually compared to conventional systems, making it cost effective over its operational life.
Operational Challenges
While the station was innovative, it faced economic challenges throughout its lifetime. Changes in the energy market, particularly the decreasing profitability of gas fired power stations due to fluctuating gas prices and competition from renewable energy sources, led to financial difficulties.
Additionally, the broader industrial decline in South Wales, along with changes in the local chemical industry, meant that the expected industrial demand for the station’s output did not materialise as anticipated.
Closure and Decommissioning
After years of underuse, GE announced the closure of Baglan Bay Power Station in 2020. The decision was driven by the changing energy landscape, with renewable energy becoming more cost effective and the demand for gas fired generation decreasing.
The station was officially decommissioned in 2021. This marked the end of its nearly two decade operation. The closure was part of the broader trend of phasing out fossil fuel based energy generation in favor of greener alternatives, with the UK's last few coal fired power stations also closing in the last few years.
Following the closure, the site has been earmarked for redevelopment as part of ongoing regeneration efforts in the Baglan Bay area. Given its strategic location and existing infrastructure, it is expected to play a role in future industrial and economic development plans for the region, although specifics have yet to be determined. As of 2024, the site has been cleared, with only the Chimney remaining standing.
The Explore
Headed up here straight after a night shift so I could hit it bright and early. Had to negotiate a maze of fencing to gain access, not realising that most of the fencing along the coast is completely missing. I was completely alone on site, no sign of Secca or anyone else.
First thing of interest was some pipework in an area labelled as the Generator Hydrogen Compound. Hydrogen is used as a cooling medium in large generators due to its excellent heat transfer properties and low density. As such, this area was likely for the storage and regulation of Hydrogen for this purpose.
Gauges -
Next up was a nearby small outbuilding which contained pipework for regulating Carbon Dioxide pressures.
Regulator -
These gas systems likely would have been integrated together, with the Carbon Dioxide used to safely purge Hydrogen from the cooling system in the event of an emergency or for maintenance. Carbon Dioxide is an inert gas, whereas Hydrogen is highly flammable, and can be explosive when mixed with air.
Moved on into the Turbine Hall. Extensive pipework and gauge heaven here if that's your thing, although the lighting was dreadful as this section is in darkness, so glad I had a biggish torch on me.
Gas Control -
Pressure Gauge -
Continuing on, the room is full of all sorts of pipework, with the ground level dominated by a multitude of large pumps, accumulators , filters and compressors.
Pump -
Filters -
Gauge Cluster -
I reached the back of this particular section which contains some monitoring apparatus for the Heat Recovery Steam Generator, along with some interesting tidbits dotted around.
Gauges -
Blueprint -
In the large room behind is the remains of the fire suppression equipment which was of considerable size, sensible with flammable gas being piped all over the site.
Sprinkler Pipework -
System Parameters -
Headed to an outside section next, which has yet more pipework, and access to the chimney stack. This area would likely have been responsible for pumping water/condensate to where it was needed, or possibly for carrying steam to the secondary steam generator.
Pipework -
Pretty impressive view looking up the stack...No photos unfortunately, they were appalling 😅.
There wasn't a way to climb up higher from where I was, so I moved on, heading outside again and finding myself at the rear of the site. Signs of one of numerous fires here and so much missing fencing, I definitely came in the hard way.
Continued along the rear of the Turbine Hall and came to the remains of the black start diesel generator. Presumably this generator would power minimal systems at the station for black start situations, allowing for the start up of the dedicated LM2500 gas turbine for grid restoration.
Moved into a large warehouse style building next, which contains more pipework and lots of empty space. From the signage outside, it was used as a chemical store, with a myriad of different chemicals being used around the site.
Status -
Reagents -
There is a large workshop attached to it, which did still have all its machinery remaining.
Gantry Crane -
Organised Desk... -
I found myself in the administration building next. It's suffered an extensive fire and is in a dire state. It smelled appalling as a result. I did find some old equipment files and training records for staff, but wasn't much else worth looking at.
Headed back outside and towards the main complex, finding my way to the LM2500 gas turbine which remains in situ. Had a good look around, watching my footing on the missing sections of walkway around the Turbine.
Turbine Compressor Stage -
Turbine Combustion Stage (I think) -
Calibration Procedure -
Pressure Gauges -
Headed over to the Cooling Towers next, making the long ascent up the slippery stairs. Not as impressive as the concrete towers of much larger stations for sure, but still worth a quick look, with a commanding view over the rest of the site.
Having spent 3 hours on site, I sent the drone around quickly and made my way back out. All in all a decent little explore!
Drone Shots -
Cooling Towers -
Chimney -
Unfortunately the control room had been torched by the time of my visit, so I didn't even bother looking for it. Probably would have been wise to, my lack of effort resulted in me completely missing the main turbine...oops 😂
Check out @albino-jay report (Here) to see the missing turbine!
The History
The BP Petrochemical Site
Before Baglan Bay Power Station, the area was home to a major petrochemical complex owned by BP Chemicals. In 1963 BP (trading as British Hydrocarbon Chemicals, Ltd.) opened petrochemical plants at Baglan Bay, partly to benefit from the proximity of the BP oil refinery at Llandarcy, which could supply feedstocks.
An Aerial View from April 1973 -
The plants produced 125,000 tons of petrochemicals during the first year of operation. The main products were ethylene (50-60,000 tons a year), ethylene dichloride (64,000 tons), propylene, butadiene (5000 tons), and isobutylene.
Several other companies built chemical plants at Baglan Bay. Forth Chemicals (a joint subsidiary of Monsanto and BHC), had a styrene monomer plant within the BHC site. The petrochemicals complex produced alcohols, styrene, olefins, and benzene from the mid-1960s, and vinyl chloride monomer and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from the early 1970s.
By 1968, BP Baglan Bay was one of the largest petrochemical sites in Europe, employing 2500 workers at its peak in 1974. Other companies with plants at Baglan Bay included W. R. Grace (polybutenes) and Pfizer.
By the late 20th century, the petrochemical industry in the UK began to decline. This, along with shifts in global markets and environmental concerns, led BP to gradually close the site between 1994-2004. The land was subsequently redeveloped for industrial use, including the construction of Baglan Bay Power Station, and the Baglan Bay Energy Park, although much of the plants former footprint remained empty.
The oldest satellite view from Google Earth shows the Baglan Power Station, and the remaining BP facilities on site, dating from April 2002 -
Power Station Background
Baglan Bay Power Station was a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant operated by General Electric. Located near Port Talbot, it stood on the site of the former BP Plant and was part of an industrial redevelopment plan for the Baglan Bay area. It was once considered one of the most efficient power stations of its time due to its cutting edge technology.
The construction of Baglan Bay Power Station began in the late 1990s as part of a broader regeneration project for the Baglan Bay industrial site. The power station was constructed on a portion of the site previously occupied by the Isopropanol Plant, one of the areas closed prior to the full shutdown of operations by BP.
The station was designed to demonstrate GE's latest H-System gas turbine, which boasted world leading efficiency and a reduced environmental impact compared to older power stations. The plant had a capacity of around 525 megawatts, enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes.
The station was officially commissioned in 2003 with the facility being one of the first in the world to use GE’s advanced H-Class turbines.
Its use of a CCGT process made it cleaner than traditional coal fired power plants. Additionally, its proximity to industrial areas made it a potential provider of power and heat through cogeneration to nearby industries, although this potential was not fully realised, with the nearby remaining chemical industry closing by 2004, and redevelopment with new industry not materialising.
Compared with data for existing UK CCGT facilities, Baglan was touted to have 80 per cent lower NOx emissions and 16 per cent lower CO2 emissions.
It had black start capability, using a 33MWe GE LM2500 gas turbine to facilitate this.
A Brief Overview of Black Starts
A black start is the process of restoring an electrical power grid to operation after a total or partial shutdown.
Initial Power Source
- Self-starting generators -
Black start relies on power plants or units capable of starting independently (e.g., hydroelectric plants, small diesel generators, or gas turbines). These units are not reliant on external grid power for startup.
- Distributed resources -
Modern grids may also leverage distributed energy resources (e.g., batteries or solar PV with storage) to provide initial power.
Restoration of a Minimal Grid (Islanding)
- Creating an island -
The black start generator is used to power a small, stable part of the grid, referred to as an island.
- Load matching -
Careful balancing of power generation and load is critical to maintain frequency and voltage stability in the isolated segment.
- Frequency and voltage control -
Ensure the island operates within allowable limits (e.g., 50 Hz or 60 Hz).
Incremental Grid Expansion- Sequential startup -
Gradually bring additional power plants online, starting with those closest to the black start source.
- Synchronisation -
As new plants are connected, synchronise their output with the existing island to avoid disruptions.
- Load prioritisation -
Restore critical infrastructure (e.g., hospitals, water supply, and emergency services) first, followed by other loads.
Transmission Network Recovery- Re-energising lines -
Restore transmission lines step by step, ensuring each segment is stable before proceeding.
- Avoiding overloads -
Prevent transmission line overloading by carefully managing load addition.
- Reactive power control -
Stabilise voltage through the use of reactive power devices like capacitor banks or generators.
Full Grid Restoration
- Centralised Control -
Grid operators coordinate the entire process from a control center, often using pre-established black start procedures.
- Integration of islands -
Merge separate islands into the main grid, synchronising frequency, voltage, and phase angle.
- Non-critical loads -
Gradually restore power to non-critical loads and industries to avoid overloading generators and transmission systems.
- Continuous Monitoring -
Real-time monitoring of system stability and equipment performance ensures the restoration process remains under control.
The General Electric H-System
H-Class turbines were designed to operate at high efficiency by using both gas and steam turbines. The system used the heat produced by burning natural gas to turn a gas turbine and then used the excess heat to generate steam, which in turn powered a steam turbine. This method allowed for an overall efficiency rate of about 60%, which was significant for the early 2000s.
A standout innovation of the H-System was its closed loop steam cooling. Unlike traditional turbines that used air cooling, this system utilised high pressure steam to cool critical components like the turbine blades and combustor liners. This allowed the turbine to operate at higher firing temperatures (over 1,430°C), which increased efficiency and power output.
It also utilised advanced single crystal alloys which were used for the turbine blades. These materials offered superior thermal and mechanical properties, enabling the turbine to withstand extreme heat and stress for prolonged periods, thereby improving durability.
Environmental and Cost Benefits
The H-System emitted fewer greenhouse gases compared to traditional turbines. For every unit of electricity generated, fuel consumption and therefore CO₂ emissions were reduced. Fuel savings at Baglan specifically were estimated at $8 million annually compared to conventional systems, making it cost effective over its operational life.
Operational Challenges
While the station was innovative, it faced economic challenges throughout its lifetime. Changes in the energy market, particularly the decreasing profitability of gas fired power stations due to fluctuating gas prices and competition from renewable energy sources, led to financial difficulties.
Additionally, the broader industrial decline in South Wales, along with changes in the local chemical industry, meant that the expected industrial demand for the station’s output did not materialise as anticipated.
Closure and Decommissioning
After years of underuse, GE announced the closure of Baglan Bay Power Station in 2020. The decision was driven by the changing energy landscape, with renewable energy becoming more cost effective and the demand for gas fired generation decreasing.
The station was officially decommissioned in 2021. This marked the end of its nearly two decade operation. The closure was part of the broader trend of phasing out fossil fuel based energy generation in favor of greener alternatives, with the UK's last few coal fired power stations also closing in the last few years.
Following the closure, the site has been earmarked for redevelopment as part of ongoing regeneration efforts in the Baglan Bay area. Given its strategic location and existing infrastructure, it is expected to play a role in future industrial and economic development plans for the region, although specifics have yet to be determined. As of 2024, the site has been cleared, with only the Chimney remaining standing.
The Explore
Headed up here straight after a night shift so I could hit it bright and early. Had to negotiate a maze of fencing to gain access, not realising that most of the fencing along the coast is completely missing. I was completely alone on site, no sign of Secca or anyone else.
First thing of interest was some pipework in an area labelled as the Generator Hydrogen Compound. Hydrogen is used as a cooling medium in large generators due to its excellent heat transfer properties and low density. As such, this area was likely for the storage and regulation of Hydrogen for this purpose.
Gauges -
Next up was a nearby small outbuilding which contained pipework for regulating Carbon Dioxide pressures.
Regulator -
These gas systems likely would have been integrated together, with the Carbon Dioxide used to safely purge Hydrogen from the cooling system in the event of an emergency or for maintenance. Carbon Dioxide is an inert gas, whereas Hydrogen is highly flammable, and can be explosive when mixed with air.
Moved on into the Turbine Hall. Extensive pipework and gauge heaven here if that's your thing, although the lighting was dreadful as this section is in darkness, so glad I had a biggish torch on me.
Gas Control -
Pressure Gauge -
Continuing on, the room is full of all sorts of pipework, with the ground level dominated by a multitude of large pumps, accumulators , filters and compressors.
Pump -
Filters -
Gauge Cluster -
I reached the back of this particular section which contains some monitoring apparatus for the Heat Recovery Steam Generator, along with some interesting tidbits dotted around.
Gauges -
Blueprint -
In the large room behind is the remains of the fire suppression equipment which was of considerable size, sensible with flammable gas being piped all over the site.
Sprinkler Pipework -
System Parameters -
Headed to an outside section next, which has yet more pipework, and access to the chimney stack. This area would likely have been responsible for pumping water/condensate to where it was needed, or possibly for carrying steam to the secondary steam generator.
Pipework -
Pretty impressive view looking up the stack...No photos unfortunately, they were appalling 😅.
There wasn't a way to climb up higher from where I was, so I moved on, heading outside again and finding myself at the rear of the site. Signs of one of numerous fires here and so much missing fencing, I definitely came in the hard way.
Continued along the rear of the Turbine Hall and came to the remains of the black start diesel generator. Presumably this generator would power minimal systems at the station for black start situations, allowing for the start up of the dedicated LM2500 gas turbine for grid restoration.
Moved into a large warehouse style building next, which contains more pipework and lots of empty space. From the signage outside, it was used as a chemical store, with a myriad of different chemicals being used around the site.
Status -
Reagents -
There is a large workshop attached to it, which did still have all its machinery remaining.
Gantry Crane -
Organised Desk... -
I found myself in the administration building next. It's suffered an extensive fire and is in a dire state. It smelled appalling as a result. I did find some old equipment files and training records for staff, but wasn't much else worth looking at.
Headed back outside and towards the main complex, finding my way to the LM2500 gas turbine which remains in situ. Had a good look around, watching my footing on the missing sections of walkway around the Turbine.
Turbine Compressor Stage -
Turbine Combustion Stage (I think) -
Calibration Procedure -
Pressure Gauges -
Headed over to the Cooling Towers next, making the long ascent up the slippery stairs. Not as impressive as the concrete towers of much larger stations for sure, but still worth a quick look, with a commanding view over the rest of the site.
Having spent 3 hours on site, I sent the drone around quickly and made my way back out. All in all a decent little explore!
Drone Shots -
Cooling Towers -
Chimney -
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