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Information - Bank bottom mill marsden.

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I had a quick look at the weekend and it seems they've upped the security with more cameras which weren't there when I last went in April/May... An impossible task I would say. Most of the windows and doors are bricked up from the inside too. Managed to get a peak into the mill through a hole in the wall and it's very much untouched, would love a walk round.

they have always been tight there but it has been visited since May for certain


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Oh really? I'm yet to see an actual report on the place.. just YouTube videos of people walking around the parameter lol

There's a lot of stuff which is kept offline or otherwise hidden for various reasons.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
There's a lot of stuff which is kept offline or otherwise hidden for various reasons.
Makes sense, kind of gathered that after all the replies this thread has had in the past few hours 😂
Nothing worse than someone running off to the papers with pictures they've taken...