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Report - - Barnsley British Cooperative Society Mill Mexborough 2017 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Barnsley British Cooperative Society Mill Mexborough 2017

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is the former Barnsley British Cooperative Society flour mill which stands on the north side of the River Don Navigation close to the Church of St John the Baptist. It started off as the "Don Roller Mills". It was owned by James White who sold it to the Barnsley British Cooperative Society in 1912.
Coltran Products Ltd are designers and manufacturers of quality metal products out of mild steel tube and wire, for the education, retail equipment POS, and industrial sectors.
The mill was earmarked for apartments in 2008 but by 2010 it was proposed to be demolished for housing but no work has begun

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little_ boy_explores

where you been hiding all these :p

great reports keep them coming!

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