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Report - - Bathampton Mines: Singleway, Devil’s and Collapse, Bath, Somerset – May/June 2017 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Bathampton Mines: Singleway, Devil’s and Collapse, Bath, Somerset – May/June 2017

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Grew up in Bathampton, so nice to see the caves and mines I spent a lot of my youth in represented!

One thing of note - The Devil's Cave is a lot larger than what is shown here: there is what appears to be a dead heading with a small window at the back, through which you drop down into much larger workings with cart tracks and other features. I can't say I've explored all of it, but it's pretty big after the squeeze.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Grew up in Bathampton, so nice to see the caves and mines I spent a lot of my youth in represented!

One thing of note - The Devil's Cave is a lot larger than what is shown here: there is what appears to be a dead heading with a small window at the back, through which you drop down into much larger workings with cart tracks and other features. I can't say I've explored all of it, but it's pretty big after the squeeze.
I had no idea that devils cave had more to explore. It is a short walk from my house but I had never got round to properly exploring it because of all the graffiti and rubbish from the students. I will definatly be going and doing a full explore now after covid along with single way. Before lockdown I think I might have found another section of severn sisters on the other side of a large rock fall the the very back of the workings. I did not want to move anything to see if you could go futher as it was a very clautrophibic and was extremly unstable and looked like it was going to collapse any second.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've just moved back to the area, temporarily living in Corsham.

Devils is quite a site bigger, haven't been through the lot yet. Tried to go to Singleways the other weekend in broad daylight, but didn't have the stones to walk across infront of the golfers into the trees!

Would be good to hook up and go for a nose around together perhaps?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Great report
Absolutely love these mines
Found the first two years ago but only recently found singleway.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There is another interesting mine near there, near the north east corner of the down, just behind these mines.

It looks fairly small from the outside, but inside if you keep going left there is a squeeze into what looks like more workings. I've been too sissy to squeeze through on my own, but it looks like it could be interesting though, certainly.looks like it opens up the other side.

Be interesting to have a nose around in a group of over one haha


28DL Member
28DL Member
From memory Number 2 is still open and does have a little squeeze through on the back wall, but it's been a while since I've looked - I'd be happy to go and have a poke around with someone though.

I guess equally it could be the South East workings/auxiliary patrol base? They are all interconnected but not very big

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