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Report - - Bawtry Carbon, South Yorkshire Feb.24 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Bawtry Carbon, South Yorkshire Feb.24

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Esoteric Eric

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Phone exploring, proper winner and a spot on looking smelly Yorkshire industro-derp to boot.

Also with phone only, this means presumably that you 'went live' to your followers using your phone having found a fresh new bando?

Last time I did anything urbex related, my phone absolutely kicked the shit out of the crusty old 5D on low light / exposure comp etc etc, pretty much pointless lugging the bag around anymore.
Ha ha believe it or not I managed to restrain myself. But yeah, phones for the win in some situations


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Now inevitably being spaffed all over Facebook by exploring with cretins
