Beetham West Tower, Liverpool
(Skyscraper City)
Also known as The Bullet, at 40 storeys high, West Tower is Liverpool’s tallest building
If you stand on the washer arm, it puts you above 500ft which is most certainly the highest point in the City
Construction started in 2005, with completion in 2008 at a cost of £35 Million, it's also the flagship headquarters for the Beetham Organization
Having missed out on the original build/tower crane, (there are some excellent archived reports on here worth a look)

I have done a fair bit in Liverpool over the last couple of years, and no idea really why I haven't bothered to have a crack at this place..
Myself and Leaf were in the area a few nights ago and went for a recce, we made it up, but didn't attempt the roof access
2 nights later, myself and Stepping Lightly went back to check out the views
Respect to Gone and OneByOne for hitting this up with longboards last month

"Stunning, uninterrupted views across the River Mersey to Wirral and the Welsh hills beyond" True that
Wouldn't want to fall off here

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