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Report - Benniworth Tunnel - Lincolnshire June 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is my first report so i hope i do OK also i have to say sorry for any spellings as i am dyslexic but i will try my best with spell checker.

Finnaly made it to the Benniworth Tunnel today although everything seemed to be fighting to stop us.

So firstly we got very lost and ended up on the wrong side of the small road tunnel which had been blocked off by barbed wire and storage (and we had made it into the blocked off side from a different point so were stuck on the supposedly secure side) then after finding our way out of that field and onto the road again we found our way into the correct field and made our way to the tunnel. the heavens decided it was time to open and we were now also getting very wet. we finally made it to the tunnel entrance where i went to take my first picture of the day and found that somehow ide lost my camera memory card so apologises all pictures were taken on my phone.

So the Benniworth tunnel is one of two tunnels taht was on the Louth to Bardney line of the GLR the rural lines around Lincolnshire have always interested me since a child as parts of the railway near Grimsby are now roads (Peaks Parkway Grimsby) and some Parts have been restored (Lincolnshire wolds Railway) but the parts past Louth seem to of gone aside form some scaring to the landscape if you know where to look.

There are actually two tunnels that are still on the Louth to Bardney line one is the longer over 900- yards Withcall tunnel which i am planning on visiting at some point but i believe it is home to 3 different colony of bats some of them rare so there is full metal doors at each ends with access big enough for the bats to enter and exit so if this is correct there is no access past the tunnel entrances. The tunnel we visited today was Benniworth Tunnel better know as High Street Tunnel which was an active railway tunnel between the years of 1874 to 1956 for passengers and up to 1960 for goods the tunnels remain standing to this day and are a testament to their design and build they even have main roads crossing over them with heavy traffic daily.

Tunnel Entrance

Pulleys along tunnel wall (i believe the original points and stop signs etc were cable driven and these would of houses the cables)

Amazing roof design

Refuge 1 of 3

Refuge 2 of 3

Refuge 3 of 3

Drainage system down one side of tunnel


Distance and Closest exit markers


View from far end back into tunnel

i don't know what these are or could of been all down the tunnel there are large patches of black bricks like this that seem different from the surrounding bricks if anyone know what the could be please feel free to enlighten me..

Another Much bigger black patch


Regular User
Good first report, look forward to seeing more when you remember your memory card! I’ve done that a few times - usually try to keep a spare one in my wallet in case.

PS. Don’t be put off posting here due to dyslexia, all good.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Good job mate well done look forward to seeing more from you preparing before your trip is very important, always double check your equipment and don’t rush it’s all about enjoying it ! Keep up the good work your on the ladder now !


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
i'm hoping to do some bigger explores but most of my exploring with be child friendly (ish) as we walk as a family a lot and i found just going for long walks in the countryside can sometimes unearth the most amazing and unexpected things. the kids are really good walkers so the distance and terrains doesn't pose an issue but i don't like stepping too far into the gray area as it were when their around. me and my wife have some plans to look at some more places after lock down ends as we will be allowed babysitters for the more adventurous explores then and that's where i will need my bigger camera. so hopefully over the coming years ill be able to give quite a varied set of reports and i hope my reporting gets better as i go.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report. I love to see new pics of our disused railway infrastructure. Well done for braving the weather too, hopefully the rest of June will be kinder for exploring!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Welcome to the world of posting in 28dl. Good 1st report. As above, spares, spares & more spares. Dont worry re spelling, we are not a grammar site, and you done a good job anyway. Enjoy, and we hope to see more:thumb

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Well done :thumb

You're going to need a tripod and a bigger torch if you want to do any long tunnel shots though.


O high
Staff member
Yeah gotta mirror what the others have said - good report just get more lumens :D

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