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Best 5 Explores of 2023

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
OK - the year is nearly done so it's time for your Best Five Explores of 2023,

Number them 5 to 1, one picture each and a link to report.

Not the most epic year for me, but some decent explores all the same. Here's mine:

Nocton Hall Hospital, Lincolnshire, June 2023

It may be pretty stripped bare but the sheer size of this place means it sneaks in at No.5. Permission visit.


Report HERE

Rauceby Asylum, Lincolnshire, May 2023

Not the most impressive asylum but having missed the boat with them and having failed at here previously, it was great to at last get it done.


Report HERE

Llanberis Bomb Store, North Wales, April 2023

First time I suffered torch failure so good to get this place done properly. It's impressively located and managed to get into the mine workings at the back of the bomb store this time around.


Report HERE

Dinorwic Slate Quarry, North Wales, April 2023

My 4th time here. Never tire of this awesome place. The sheer scale and the stuff left behind never fail to impress.


Report HERE

Ma On Shan Ironstone mine, Hong Kong, August 2023

This was arguably the best mine I've ever explored and an awesome through trip, in the great company of @drhowser


Report HERE


"The Pump People"
Regular User
2023 started off pretty shit for me, the worst year of my life for various reasons, because of this I hit urbex hard just to keep the ol' brain occupied. And it was definitely worth it! Ended up seeing some cracking places.

Number 5

Levenshulme Swimming Baths.

One from my trip up to the north-west. First time exploring in that area, I really enjoyed this place. It was a last minute decision to visit in the very last hours of the day we were due to drive home.


Number 4

Derelict Locomotive - Suffolk

One from way back at the beginning of the year. I actually had to double-check it was this year we saw this, as it feels like an age ago. Pretty cool to see the big ol loco looming out of the trees at you.


Number 3

Milton Green Highways Depot

This one comes in at number 3 for me, as it was quite unexpected. If it wasn't for Dan suggesting it, I probably wouldn't have bothered. The natural decay and lack of vandalism made it special.


Number 2

RAE Bedford

Bedford popped back on the radar at the end of summer. Most people have done the 3x3, but word got around that the 8x8 was open, so me, Mikey and Dan made our way to have a look. The 8x8 was absolutely stunning inside.


Number 1

Southery Pumping Station - Norfolk

Anyone who knows me will be aware that I am a bit of a slut for a pumping station. Southery was found just by chance, I dragged Dan along, not even knowing what the building was. He was confused initially, but as soon as I looked through the window and saw that lovely Ruston sat there, that was it. Southery started something, it really was genesis. So much so that I now have a tattoo of the Ruston two-cylinder engine found in here on my arm, so it's with me for life.
Over the past year, we have been obliterating pumping stations as much as we can.


Thanks to all the mods and admin for keeping the forum up to a high standard, hopefully 2024 will bring some great things!
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One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Number 5
Corporation Swimming Baths, Crewe - March 2023

Thread: Report - - Corporation Public Swimming Baths, Crewe - March 2023 | Leisure Sites

Anyone that knows me well will know I've got a real soft spot for this building. I actually learned to swim in this very pool and have many fond memories of visiting it whilst growing up nearby.


Number 4
The Park Hotel, Preston - February 2023

Thread: Report - - The Park Hotel, Preston - February 2023 | Other Sites

Alright, this one is your run-of-the-mill Railway hotel, but there is something about the stained-glass and beautiful tiles that lined every corridor that made the place feel special.


Number 3
Lightwater Valley Family Adventure Park, Ripon - January 2023

Thread: Report - - The Ultimate, Lightwater Valley Family Adventure Park, Ripon - January 2023 | Leisure Sites

For me, the only thing that beats a day at a Theme Park is a day at a closed park. Yes, it was on the tour bus for a few weeks, but 'The Ultimate' offered some stunning views over the Yorkshire Countryside as I watched the sun rise from the top of the first lift hill.


Number 2
Robert Cain Brewery, Liverpool - December 2023

Thread: Report - - Robert Cains Brewery, Liverpool - December 2023 | Industrial Sites

The one that (nearly) got away, I've been after Cains for as long as it has been vacant, having made countless failed journeys to the site only to be disappointed. I finally managed it this year, and it was exactly as I hoped it would be. The future is looking bright for this building, which plans to re-purpose the vacant sections and resume brewing on the site, albeit at a much reduced volume.


Number 1
The Pennine Tower, Lancaster Services - November 2023

Thread: Report - - The Pennine Tower, Lancaster Services, M6 - November 2023 | Leisure Sites

What can I really say about this one, other than the right place at the right time? Just like Cains, I have made many journeys to the services just to have a crack at the tower with no success. Luckily, earlier this year me and Mrs Gronk were passing, and I thought I'd have a quick look for access whilst she grabbed a coffee. The views from the top of the tower were amazing and well worth the effort and countless attempts to get it.



28DL Regular User
Regular User
My five favourite explores of the year.

First at number five is the Norfolk feather factory. It was an unknown to us and me and Dan and Jake made a couple of visits to it. Was nice to have a nice factory in the county as industry is quite light here.


Number four was Delphi Diesel. It was a nice big place to have a wander about. Even though it was stripped it still had a lot to see, and the social club was an added bonus.


Number three is Grays State Cinema. I know it was done lots, but it was only the second cinema I had seen in my years exploring. And the projector room alone made it for me. A solo visit for me one early morning, sadly I lost all my photos from here except a few.


At number two is Fletchers. I had been before years ago, but was nice to spend more time here and see other bits. A great exploring classic that should be seen.


And finally RAE Bedford. I had been the 3x3 about eight years ago. But numerous attempts at the 8x8 had resulted in big fails. Until this year when we finally managed to get in and see it. I made three visits here seeing the twon wind tunnels and the social club. Sadly this was another place I lost nearly all my photos bar some I recovered. I know most disagree I still prefer the 3x3,I preferred the character of the place, it had more to see, it was more photogenic.



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Difficult question for me to answer really, while I didn't do much I'd class as 'epic' I saw some very cool stuff this year and even managed an unexpected cheeky sleepless 36 hour trip to Belgium for the first time in nine years. I didn't think picking five favourites would be difficult but it's actually been a lot harder to narrow it down than I thought it would be.

The following are in no particular order.

1. Jeld Wen, Lowestoft

I had wanted to see this place for years, but the distance from home and the ever-present security who were determined to spoil everyone's fun always put me off as it seemed like a pointless venture. Then at the start of the year or late last year security just buggered off never to be seen again and it was game on and I'm glad I got to it before it was too ruined by the local morons. Explored as part of a weekend in the area which was filled with excellent things.


2. Gray Cancer Institute, Northwood
Another place I had had 'on my radar' for a while. I first scouted it out in the summer of 2022 but it was well sealed, then had a visit right at the start of this year when I only managed to get into the modern extension, finding the aerial walkway into the rest of the building bricked up. Third time was the charm and I got in with no issues back in the summer, before the inevitable bus loads of daytrippers arrived and it was sealed.


3. Abandoned Church, USA
Back in the summer I went on what was originally intended to be a non-exploring focused trip to my favourite place in the world, however I still managed two days of exploring a bunch of stuff including a few on my own, and I met up with a very good friend of mine over there for a trip around the wilds of New Jersey at the end which was awesome. This church is up there in my favourite churches I've ever visited, it looks so unassuming from the outside but internally the decay is perfect and there is so much left to see.


4. Aegidium Cinema, Brussels

I honestly don't know where to start with this place. Ever since the building was sold to a community preservation group they have offered on extremely rare occasions tours of the inside, and it just so happened myself and a group of friends all happened to be free - and were planning domestic explores - on the same day a tour was being offered. So the domestic explores were quickly sacked off, spaces were reserved, ferry tickets bought and a very hastily arranged plan cobbled together. It's the second longest amount of time I have ever stayed awake for (up at 4.30am for work on the Friday, home at just after midnight Sunday morning, no sleep) and I think over the course of Friday night and through Saturday we all gradually lost our minds. But it was awesome and I absolutely need to do an explore trip to the continent again.


5. Herdman's Flax Mill, Northern Ireland
I managed to finally complete explorations in all of the UK's separate countries this year, with a very long-planned trip to Northern Ireland in September. One day was fantastic, one day was a real slog full of failures, but that's how it goes, the bonus was eating one of the most incredible Chinese takeaway meals I've ever had and simply spending time with good friends. Herdman's Flax Mill is the second massive mill complex in the country after Barbour Threads, and has a lot more to see, the rare surviving complete hydroelectric turbines and associated machinery being the highlight.


I've already got some interesting plans being worked on for 2024 so hopefully it'll be another excellent year. It's also my 15th exploring anniversary in June which is something to mark, somehow.
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
It was a shaky start of the year for me mentally but this has now improved and exploring has been consistently good this year, it's been successful for the most part. I had to wait to post this as one of these on the list I visited a matter of days ago. This is also the year that I found my interest in derelict pumping stations following mine and @JakeV50's visit to Southery Pumping Station and I have found a lot of stuff myself this year which feels rewarding.

Top 5:

5. Milton Green Highways Depot, Cheshire

I liked the look of the decay in the corridors and offices when I saw this place on here, it turned out to be even better than expected and on the whole, I think it's an underrated location.


4. Delphi Diesel Systems/Lucas CAV, Suffolk

I had this place pinned for a while and @Wastelandr suggested going one weekend as he saw it on a report that I hadn't seen. It was such a huge place and although fairly stripped I still really liked it here. This was also my first time meeting Wastelandr so was great to catch up with him.

Main 2.jpg

3. Fletcher's Paper Mill, Greenfield

I have wanted to do this place since I started exploring back in 2017. I remember Mikey mentioning it to me yonks ago but I never did it due to how far away it is and back then it was much harder to get in. As the situation has changed here slightly I decided to finally give it a go and it was certainly worth the wait. The boiler house was a highlight for me, pictured below (report coming soon).


2. Southery Pumping Station

To be honest this should be joint first. Jake mentioned that we should give this a look one day back in April, he found it as a listing on an old heritage website. I barely even knew what a Pumping Station was back then and I assumed it was going to be an empty windmill or something. We walked around half an hour alongside the river to the building and we were gobsmacked when we looked in the window, it was the best moment of 2023 for me despite being a small place. I have since visited again for a second time.


1. RAE Bedford

I had a day off work and decided to check out the 3x3 building as it was pretty easy to access at the time. I spent around three hours in there. I don't often visit buildings of that scale by myself but I thought I would give it a go. A week or two later, we caught wind of the 8x8 being easy too so me @Mikeymutt🐶 and @JakeV50 traveled there to take a look. The far control room in the 8x8 is one of the nicest things I have ever seen and the place was even better than expected. This is another site I have wanted to visit for years so I was so pleased to finally tick it off. Report coming soon.


Honorable Mentions:

Pilkington Headquarters Canteen, St Helen's

I liked this place mainly due to the modernist and minimalist interior, it was very photogenic and was one me and Jake visited on our trip up to Manchester. It didn't make the Top 5 as it was a little more stripped than I thought it would be with piles of rubble scattered inside the building.

Purl's Bridge Pumping Station, Cambridgeshire
Another brilliant station we found in Fenland, we had no idea what to expect but were presented with a lovely Ruston diesel engine inside. It would've probably been in my Top 5 if it wasn't for the difficulty of photographing with the lighting, not to mention all of the cobwebs. It was also an absolute sauna inside being a muggy summer's day and the building being almost entirely constructed of wood.

Banham Shop, Norfolk
This is a site pretty local to me that again I have known of for years. I can't believe I didn't get around to doing it until this year. It was so much better than I expected and was still in reasonable condition. I haven't reported on this one as it comes very close to the 'residential' side of things.

There are plenty more I could include in the Honorable Mentions section but those are the main ones I could think of. Looking forward to visiting more places and contributing as we move into 2024, and thanks to the admin & mod team for working hard to ensure the site remains the best place for urban exploration content.



Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
I'm only a year late! Getting all retrospective and thought I'd post a look back at the year before last. Was a good year of exploring for me and pretty terrible for everything else. Also was great to get in NP and have a look through all the reports, so 2023 felt like it needed paying respects to. One of many honourable mentions was probably Woodbridge bomb stores. Lots of quality stuff but I've gone with the most memorable.

5. Joint between Delphi Factory and a Substation

Pictured is the social club bar of Delphi's which was brimming with vintage charm and immaculate. It was the first time I met @dansgas1000 and we tried this place purely on the offchance. This was before it got fooked or all over social media, and it was a huge shot in the dark with only Speed's report existing from a few years prior. We got in via the roof which was cool and it turned out to be both pristine and massive. Spent 7 hours here!


Not revealing any details at all about the substation but essentially a small but gorgeous gem within a stomping ground of mine that I wouldn't have known about if it wasn't for NP. Explored on a very fine summers day and ended with a pint, I've got good memories of this explore.


4. Whitchurch Asylum

Ended up visiting twice. Our first visit we did at a time when I hadn't seen it posted in a few years. We didn't expect it to be doable, it was always 'the daddy'. Well, we found ourselves inside and of course there was a buzz. The decay was top notch, I think we got it at a sweet spot last year. Even half a year later it had deteriorated faster. Whitchurch wins for size, certainly the last 'great' abandoned asylum.


3. RAE Bedford 8x8

After doing the 3x3 off a local lead and seemingly kicking off what felt like everyone and their mum going to the control room (the amount of profile pictures I've seen of that), I got a tip off about the 8x8. This control room with power still on was without doubt the nicest thing I've seen in the UK. The gasps of awe as we turned on the light switch were ridiculous. Mid-century porn!


2. St. Cadoc's Asylum

Nowhere near as big as Whitchurch, but this place is utterly fascinating and reminds me what urbex is all about. If Whitchurch is the biggest asylum left, this is the most authentic, seemingly unchanged in many places since it was constructed. Steeped in character to the point of near time-travel. The atmosphere was only added to by the tense live corridor wanderings on our first attempt, and the rush of our successful second attempt whilst waiting for the sun to come up in a cell whilst hearing people walk along the corridor below.


1. Kraftwerk Plessa

Wins first place due to the sheer scale, quality and condition of this place all whilst being relatively easy. That control room may not be as big as Kelenfold but it is neater, more streamlined and delicious. Done on my first proper Eurobex roadtrip, so that in itself was a huge achievement and this was the jewel in the crown.

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