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Best 5 explores of 2024

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One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
I guess I’ll kick it off this year - as 2024 draws to a close I thought It’d be cool to see peoples top 5 (public) splorzzzz of the year.

Number 5
Parque Aquatico do Almargen, Portugal - August 2024
Link: Report - - Parque Aquático Do Almargen, Viseu, Portugal - August 2024 | European and International Sites


Number 4
Typhoo Tea Factory, Morton - May 2024
Link: Report - - The Typhoo Tea Factory, Moreton - May 2024 | Industrial Sites


Number 3
Rail House, Crewe - January 2024
Link: Report - - Rail House, Crewe - January 2024 | High Stuff


Number 2
Northbound Tower, Hilton Park Services - January 2024
Link: Report - - Northbound Tower, Hilton Park Services, M6 - January 2024 | Leisure Sites


Number 1
Erdington Public Baths, Birmingham - November 2024
Link: Report - - Erdington Public Baths, Birmingham - November 2024 | Leisure Sites


Have a good Christmas and new year folks!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice selection. Will try to find some. Been a quieter one for me than normal as was out for ages with a dodgy shoulder and doing other stuff.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I ain’t done anything to epic this year. But still manage to post a dozen locations that had not been documented on here.

Closehouse observatory. I liked this because I had always wanted to see a derelict observatory.


IMG_7303 (2).jpeg


Brograve wind pump. Done quite a few wind pumps, but this was the one I always wanted to see. It’s the most photographed wind pump on the Norfolk Broads, but it’s always from the other side of the river. You never see any internals, so decided to take a long walk through farmers land which was very boggy. It was a great thing to get this one documented.




Planet ice skating rink is another I have tried quite a lot over the years. So was great to finally crack it.




Ushaw college. It’s trashed, in a dangerous state. But it’s a classic that I always wanted to see, and no reports for a long time from it.




Faversham train sheds. Quite a small explore, but one that right up my street. The overgrowth in the old shed was fantastic. It was one that far surprised my expectations.





"The Pump People"
Regular User
Been a bit of a slow year for me. Not very much done so it was tough to choose five that are worthy here, in no particular order.

Bowaters Sack Factory (film shot)


Engine House


Bradwell Springs Pumping Station


Ashdown House Prep School


Pen-yr-Orsedd Quarry, North Wales



28DL Regular User
Regular User
@Mikeymutt and @GRONK - great photo's/reports.

OK - not an epic year by any stretch but it had its moments. Here's my Top 5 explores of 2024:

No. 5: RAF Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong


Been wanting to do this place for ages. The journey to get there is part of the reason for including this one. Solo explore and an absolute slog to get to the top of the highest peak in HK in the summer heat.


No. 4: Ystrad Einion Lead mine, Mid-Wales


Been wanting to come here for ages to see THAT wheel. Solo explore on a cold January morning.


No. 3: Wastersaw Spa Mine, Stoney Middleton, Derbyshire


Done this one previously but wasn't happy with my shots so good to get it done properly. Explored with @Bikin Glynn Just as well too, as it is now all sealed up.


No. 2: Cavendish Fluorspar Mill, Stoney Middleton, Derbyshire


The end to mining and processing of fluorspar in Derbyshire so glad to get this one done before the impending demolition started.


No.1: Theatre, Hong Kong


My fave explore of the year. Fantastic cinema/theatre in Hong Kong, explored with the good @drhowser in August.


Hope everyone enjoyed 2024. Happy exploring and stay safe in 2025!
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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I'm kind of glad it wasn't just me with a quiet year, I had my slowest for well over a decade. But I didn't really mind, as I had a lot of other stuff going on which meant exploring wasn't as much of a priority. I still managed to see some decent - and not so decent - stuff though.

These are in no particular order.

Tonedale Mill, I've been here many a time but it was great to see the more recently vacated areas which most people overlook.


Loudoun Valley Manufacturing Co., yes another revisit but what a place. What a place.


Groverake Fluorspar Mine, a feeling of desolation like nowhere else I've been.


RAF Kirton in Lindsey, fresh off the card so a post will go up at some point soon - I remarked to my friend that wandering around here going from building to building without a care in the world really felt like the good old days.


Promat Ltd., I expected not a lot from here but I enjoyed this place immensely.


Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
2024 has been a good year with a mixed bag of stuff to have a crack at.

Stratheden Asylum


Chatterley Whitfield underground experience


Ogof Gofan sea cave


Slim pickings


and RAF Chilmark


was good to meet some new faces, hopefully make it to a meet next year and meet some more :thumb


Massive Member
Regular User
The year started off with the Sheffield meet



Which was nice

Buxton waterworks was open again and I got a drone in



This year I have mostly been flying drones




I've been underground and overground



2024 has been alright, met some new people and lost some old friends but that's life

Midnight Odyssey

Smegma Grindset
28DL Full Member
Oh shit, I was driving past #2 on the way back from a work trip on Saturday! Thought it looked abandoned but as it was a 7 hour drive couldn't be fucked to stop off. Will defo give it a look next time.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
It's been a pretty good year overall and I've seen some nice stuff. A nice mix of doing popular places and ones that haven't been done in ages/never been documented. Some great trips out with @JakeV50, @Mikeymutt, @Wastelandr, @KPUrban_, @Webbs0710. Cheers for the company and hopefully many more trips to come :D

5. Bowaters Sack Factory [LINK]

Bowaters is one that popped up many times this year and was really keen to see it. It did not disappoint with the lovely decay on offer and was a very relaxed and enjoyable visit.


4. RAF Kirton in Lindsey

Me and Wastelandr embarked on a trip to Lincolnshire recently during what was most likely the wettest and windiest weekend of the year. Our visit to this RAF base was a highlight for me due to the sheer size of the site and variety on offer.


3. Barking Power Station & Control Room

Again, one which started popping up several times this year, so had to hop on the tour bus to see it! The control room was the main draw here.


2. Engine House

A lovely pump house featuring some fantastic equipment. Visited on a trip with Jake back in Spring.


1. Tonedale Mill, Somerset [LINK]

I have wanted to see Tonedale for a number of years, but being 5+ hours away I didn't know when I would get the chance, with the 28DL meet in Bristol back in October I seized the opportunity and it did not disappoint. The main draw for me was the engine house featuring some fantastic industrial equipment.


Looking forward to see what 2025 brings...


g00n Buster
Staff member
a very slow year here too. Probably my 5 fav postable places.

Pilkies Canteen, St Helens




Whitchurch, Cardiff




Barbour Threads, Lisburn




CWM, Beddau



CWM Coke May 24-13.jpeg

Herdmans Flax Mills, Sion




Bonus just because of group photo with local scallies, shite explore though.

Nottingham Guildhall/Courts

Nottingham Guildhall-1.jpeg


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
a very slow year here too. Probably my 5 fav postable places.

Pilkies Canteen, St Helens




Whitchurch, Cardiff




Barbour Threads, Lisburn




CWM, Beddau



CWM Coke May 24-13.jpeg

Herdmans Flax Mills, Sion




Bonus just because of group photo with local scallies, shite explore though.

Nottingham Guildhall/Courts

Nottingham Guildhall-1.jpeg

That last shot with the local neds is awesome :rofl


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
I keep thinking this year I've done a lot less exploring than last, but in reality that's not really true even if its had some quieter spells. Quality over quantity maybe, but there's been a lot of decent stuff to choose from now I look back. Honourable mentions include RAF Kirton in Lindsey and Bentwaters bomb stores with @dansgas1000, and some small but original finds including Bradwell Springs pumping station and a mortuary I'd had my eye on for a while with @mockney reject and @KPUrban_ , but I've limited it to a top 5. Most of these are in NP so I don't even know why I'm doing this, although I suppose those are going to be the best. So I'll ommitt the specific names of them and hopefully it still provides a teaser without revealing much.

No. 5 - Barking Power Station Switchhouse

Ended up going here twice this year. Had my eye on it for ages after thinking it was demolished but never pulled my finger out to check it till @KPUrban_ mentioned it was good. I love a bit of early century power station stuff especially if there's control panels involved. Not to mention it felt like a true time capsule of East London history, some of the little tucked away rooms in this place feel like a step back in time. Stuff still left from the Blitz in here was awesome.


No. 4 - Massive Chemical Works

This one turned out to be my biggest and most impressive explore of the year. It didn't dissappoint after not knowing what we'd find, it had all sorts here from industry to offices, as well as a lovely dated medical room, and I'm pleased @KPUrban_ got to see some of the nicest labs going. The reason why it doesn't rank higher is because it lacked many details of architectural and historical interest, although that wasn't really what this explore was about. Only the medical room felt like going back in time, but gotta love a pristine one though with the lights still humming.

QueenboroughPharma (47 of 182).jpg

No. 3 - Southern Asylum

Have wanted to get in here for ages and see some more recent photos of it. That all changed later this year and it was wicked to have finally conquered a good chunk of a legendary place. It had one of the longest asylum dayrooms I've seen. Why it only reaches 3rd place is because there were other nice sections I didn't get to see, and the live nature of it made it feel a bit less 'oldly worldy' until within the less modernised wards. Otherwise a cracking bucket list explore.


No. 2 - Mid-Century Hospital

This one I will specify no further because @Bugsuperstar has been sitting on this for ages, gradually photographing different sections until he's ready to make a report. He was kind enough to show it to me and @KismetJ when we were on our Irish asylums roadtrip in the summer - St. Brigid's asylum also deserves an honourable mention, especially due to its grim utility tunnel access which as another bucket list acitivity done albiet quite unpleasant. For this, the access was as humourous as it was pleasing and took a little effort whilst being fairly hassle-free. This hospital was probably the nicest I've ever seen, an explore of the finest order you just don't get these days. Nearly everything was still left inside, and the decor was period as fuck. Truly felt like a little time capsule hidden away on an active site and perfectly preserved. Plus the colours, decay and sunshine was extremely photogenic.


No.1 - Northern Asylum Ward

This one might be a surprising first place choice, because it was only one ward block of a largely demolished asylum. However, it really took me by surprise when I came across some footage revealing its existence, and I simply had to get in it. I spent the next two weeks until @KismetJ and I were heading up norf just absolutely itching. The access was a ridiculously tight squeeze through a single pane of missing sash window glass putting Harry Houdini to shame. But it was one of those where you see your opportunity and just execute as planned. It was a very tasty asylum inside, with a lot of original character mixed with some dated late 20thC decor. It wasn't a very big place but I was so pleased to do it and bring something new to the table that was a genuine discovery.

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