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Report - - Bigfoot Building, Bootle - August 22 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Bigfoot Building, Bootle - August 22

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the north
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Bigfoot Building


Built in the early 1950s, the colossal factory had gone through many names: English Electric Co. Works, Netherton Works, Bigfoot Building and more. Over the years, it had served some impressive businesses, such as Rolls Royce and boasts a jet-like testing facility at it's rear that would have been used to experiment with turbines for oil and gas industries. In 2008, Rolls Royce confirmed it was set to close the factory with the loss of more than 200 jobs, after a 90 day consultation on the site. A protest march took place in Liverpool on the day of the announcement and a 20,000 person signed petition was handed into 10 Downing Street, however the closure went ahead. Since then, the site has been in between abandonment, sometimes utilising one of it's massive sheds for storage, but the last time this was the case was 2019. Currently, it sits vacant with demolition planned later this year.


Visited with @DustySensorPhotography and again with @jtza . Situated on private land, the massive building is visible from the busy road running past it, visibly dilapidated. The ground has a manned security booth that operate the multiple turning CCTV posts and speed towards you in a jeep if you get sighted. Thankfully, they aren't too difficult to dodge and on either occasion, we were able to reach the property and enter without detection.

On the first visit, we got distracted by the big Santander headquarters, also disused (but modernised and stripped), in the morning and headed to the Bigfoot building later. We managed to see most of it, besides a few office-looking areas that connect to the main sheds and the turbine testing complex. Despite it being empty, it was very photogenic and had a few nice features remaining. Whilst leaving, opting for the camera strut, we spoke to the guard who had raced towards us, beckoning us over. All positive however, and he explained about the active asbestos in some closed off regions of the structure, also teasing that when the survey was ongoing for this, they found dated switchgear and documents in these 'highly contaminated' spaces, yet he or nobody he knew, had ever been allowed to see it for themselves. Whether it was still there or not was another question as the building has been totally stripped, but it was enough to tempt us into a return visit, where we entirely focused on these areas.

We accessed some new bits, but didn't come across anything that resembled a control room or anything of the sort, therefore, I figured I'd stick it in NP in case any one wants to try. In addition, the property is simple to access at the moment, but could be easily sealed if too many visited. There are multiple sections that could contain something golden that has been sealed off for decades.


The admin areas run a good portion along the whole factory on either side, with the main entrance being on the opposite. I'd say we got into about half.


The first hall, the smallest but also offered the most decay. There are four in total, yet one has been bricked up and we inaccessible. Looking through a hole in the wall at it, it appeared similar looking and empty.




Hall No.2



Canteen. The power worked all across the structure and probably would in the main halls, too.



The final hall, the biggest one. Void of anything except for fallen pigeon soldiers that hadn't found a gap.



Comparison then and now.




Finally, a little bit of the decaying, sealed off sections that took a bit more work to get inside. I still think there could be something really cool in here, I'm just too busy to go and look for it lol.

Thanks for reading :)