Still on with the blackburn brook theme i had some photos from last year and a couple of other sections i dont think have been covered on here before looked interesting so decided to check them out , So in order from upstream to downstream ive put them in order thats not how they were explored but will keep things more simple.
the concrete underpass under station road chapeltown
just coming out next pic looking back up
these were older pics from last year , looking on maps and doing a bit of leg work there were one or 2 other bits that looked promising some smaller bits were not worth bothering with so the next culverted section was a far bit down river near Ecclesfield were the river runs underneath an engineering firm got this done late sunday afternoon even then there were people on site and i was detected by a staffy bull terrier lucky for me he was friendly and diddnt bark lol as again pics from upstream down although thats not how access was gained
concrete shuttering marks and the doomed roof reminded me of an igloo ! lol
coming out of the first section the culvert turned 90% in the open air before widening these 2 pipes were about 1100mm in diameter had a crawl up both
both pipes were heading in the same direction and both reduced in size with a smaller pipe inserted in to the larger downstream one these 2 pipes pick up the water from Ecclesfield park diddnt go any further , back to the main culvert looking downstream
looking back upstream
wandering downstream start of the next culverted section
a few girders in this fist bit
and out , the next section is a fair bit on a brick lined culvert near the old Arthur lees steel mill
the start point looking downstream needed the chest waders for this as it was quite deep in places
the water was still almost like a mill pond
having gone allway through i snapped a pic of the downstream portal , i walked the rest from here on to the river Don at meadowhall but will have to put another report up for that as theres a few pics to post moving on downstream again
the next part went under the old Arthur lees steel plant
some sort of old sluice gate it was as much of a ramble and climb as a drain explore
concrete bridge
then the bridges at the bottom of Wincobank will wrap it up here for now thanks for watching
the concrete underpass under station road chapeltown
just coming out next pic looking back up
these were older pics from last year , looking on maps and doing a bit of leg work there were one or 2 other bits that looked promising some smaller bits were not worth bothering with so the next culverted section was a far bit down river near Ecclesfield were the river runs underneath an engineering firm got this done late sunday afternoon even then there were people on site and i was detected by a staffy bull terrier lucky for me he was friendly and diddnt bark lol as again pics from upstream down although thats not how access was gained
concrete shuttering marks and the doomed roof reminded me of an igloo ! lol
coming out of the first section the culvert turned 90% in the open air before widening these 2 pipes were about 1100mm in diameter had a crawl up both
both pipes were heading in the same direction and both reduced in size with a smaller pipe inserted in to the larger downstream one these 2 pipes pick up the water from Ecclesfield park diddnt go any further , back to the main culvert looking downstream
looking back upstream
wandering downstream start of the next culverted section
a few girders in this fist bit
and out , the next section is a fair bit on a brick lined culvert near the old Arthur lees steel mill
the start point looking downstream needed the chest waders for this as it was quite deep in places
the water was still almost like a mill pond
having gone allway through i snapped a pic of the downstream portal , i walked the rest from here on to the river Don at meadowhall but will have to put another report up for that as theres a few pics to post moving on downstream again
the next part went under the old Arthur lees steel plant
some sort of old sluice gate it was as much of a ramble and climb as a drain explore
concrete bridge
then the bridges at the bottom of Wincobank will wrap it up here for now thanks for watching

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