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Report - - Blackeleys recycling - Platt Bridge, Wigan - April 2021 | Other Sites |

Report - Blackeleys recycling - Platt Bridge, Wigan - April 2021

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Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
History - There isn't any history on this site, not really sure who it belongs to or why it's there. We spotted this from a distance driving through and curiosity got the better of us so we went and took a gander. Most of the buses seem to be from the 90's/00's. Brings back memories of catching the bus home from school. There are also a few royal mail lorries and various random trucks.

Explore - Access was pretty easy, we were overlooked by some builders on a roof overlooking the yard and it is also next to a supermarket car park but no one seemed to mind us being there. Strangely we found this explore quite fun even though we were just shooting old buses.






















Thanks for looking.


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Looks like Blakeleys Recycling, Platt Bridge, Wigan
It is in Platt bridge. Not sure if its blakeleys recycling. Load of random old buses seemed like it might be worth a look. We've driven past it thousands of times but never looked before.


In 2016 the company was called Baugleys - not sure if still going - picture 1 includes former First Bus Volvo B6 W825PFB (48225) and probably former First Bus 65579 T579 JNG


28DL Member
28DL Member
This place isn’t blakely’s Recycling, that’s in a different location to where the buses are although possibly owned by the same people, Blakelys is a about half a miles away.
There is also 2 garages as well on this site which most people don’t seems to see.
One was a car show room and one was a Car garage.

The site is owned by travelers, although the site is open without any restrictions the place is watched by the locals. Just be careful if you venture here as you never know who will turn up.


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28DL Member
28DL Member
Yup definitely owned by travellers I live around the corner from there, there’s a camp just behind it from the stories around here I wouldn’t really
Want to be caught exploring this. They take things back every so often,not sure why, most of it has been there years, I know the local smack heads hide their stashes in there too


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Yup definitely owned by travellers I live around the corner from there, there’s a camp just behind it from the stories around here I wouldn’t really
Want to be caught exploring this. They take things back every so often,not sure why, most of it has been there years, I know the local smack heads hide their stashes in there too
Smack heads and gypsies are pretty common risks on explores tbh. I'm pretty sure most of the access to buildings in my area is courtesy of gypsies looking for copper or smack heads looking for a place to to partake in their hobby.


28DL Member
28DL Member
To be honest mate at this point this is the only one me and the mrs have done, three kids no babysitters,looking at all of these in hope one day we might get the chance drugs etc I expect and yeh I guess it makes sense it could be down to the gypsies for access, hadn’t thought of that

couple of stabbings and I believe a murder involving some of the gypsies in the last couple years around this area. I think Being so close and no doubt a recognisable face just makes it bit more daunting.
It was interesting to see none the less


Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
To be honest mate at this point this is the only one me and the mrs have done, three kids no babysitters,looking at all of these in hope one day we might get the chance drugs etc I expect and yeh I guess it makes sense it could be down to the gypsies for access, hadn’t thought of that

couple of stabbings and I believe a murder involving some of the gypsies in the last couple years around this area. I think Being so close and no doubt a recognisable face just makes it bit more daunting.
It was interesting to see none the less
I grew up in hindley just down the road. There's a few places around wigan to do. Exploring is difficult when you have young kids, especially getting to the ones further afield.

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