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Report - - Blackpool’s Lost Tram Graveyard, Lancashire, April 2021 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Blackpool’s Lost Tram Graveyard, Lancashire, April 2021

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Lancashire bird
28DL Full Member
Nostalgic. My dad used to drive these before the german fleet came along. I do miss seeing these old birds going up and down the prom

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Cool report. Liked this. Ive never been on a tram. Definitely a different report, good photos too.

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As someone who also has a keen interest in historical local transport - thank you for posting - great images.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely captured .. some great pics of our old trams there .. maybe have ridden on some of them over the years .. did you get to the Fleetwood trawler wrecks while you were up there? Thanks :)


Google maps shows only 5 trams remaining in the spot I think youre talking about. Is that up to date? Or have they all gone now and no point going up there?


Google maps shows only 5 trams remaining in the spot I think youre talking about. Is that up to date? Or have they all gone now and no point going up there?
Only 687 is known to have left the site leaving Brush Car 637 , Centenary 641, Twin Car 673+683, Railcoach 678 , Balloon 710 remaining

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