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Report - - Blakeley's Recycling Ltd - Abandoned Bus Scrap Yard in Platt Bridge, Wigan - May 2022 | Other Sites |

Report - Blakeley's Recycling Ltd - Abandoned Bus Scrap Yard in Platt Bridge, Wigan - May 2022

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Not much history to be found on this which is odd because it's just sat there in town completely accessible. You'd think there would be a dozen news articles about it being an eye-sore or dangerous. I guess Wigan people are just a bit different? (I married into this community 20 years ago so I'm allowed to say it.) It was apparently owned by "BLAKELEY'S RECYCLING LIMITED" which started in 1982 and dissolved on 22 May 2018. So I'm guessing it's in the hands of administrators.

Explore was easy. There's even a McDonalds next door when you're done. Amazingly only one fire seems to have been set which was confusing since we've seen mansions miles into the countryside scorched to death and even fires set on top of hills. I guess angsty teens prefer to walk a bit before getting arsony.





This next one smacked me in the face with school bus memories. You could still smoke upstairs in those days:


Question: any idea how this ended up in the middle of the bus? There are metal bars underneath to take the weight and stop it going through the floor, so someone prepared this spot to put the engine there. It's massive, heavy, no hole in roof, and the engines were kept in the back. So did someone hook this up to a crane and swing it in through an open window so it dropped into this position? If so ... why??? Or have I missed an unbelievably simple explanation?




That was the only sign of arson we saw on site. It seems better to end on this next image though which was inside several of the high tops:


We're not vehicle buffs or even regular bus users, but this was still an excellent change from crawling through buildings. Its one we always recommend to others.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Probably just dragged on with a pallet truck, bus going off for scrap fill it with all other bits of shit in the depot usually, engine crane wouldn't go high enough to get through the side window. looks like a cummins ISC

Question: any idea how this ended up in the middle of the bus? There are metal bars underneath to take the weight and stop it going through the floor, so someone prepared this spot to put the engine there. It's massive, heavy, no hole in roof, and the engines were kept in the back. So did someone hook this up to a crane and swing it in through an open window so it dropped into this position? If so ... why??? Or have I missed an unbelievably simple explanation?



Probably just dragged on with a pallet truck, bus going off for scrap fill it with all other bits of shit in the depot usually, engine crane wouldn't go high enough to get through the side window. looks like a cummins ISC

Yeah, but still.... How? No side doors. So only way is through the front door which has a vertical bar in the middle in the way and a step up. Or do you mean a forklift popped it through the window? (I'm from NE Scotland, maybe we call pallet trucks different.) Still unsure why they bothered to do it with that specific bus only. All other separate innerds/parts/engines we saw were piled on other trailer beds like ready to be taken away for scrap.

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