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Report - - Bold Street Fabric Mill - Blackburn - Jan 2023 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Bold Street Fabric Mill - Blackburn - Jan 2023

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28DL Regular User
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Bold Street Fabric Mill

Had this one pinned thanks to @UrbandonedTeam for a few months with the hopes it it resembling parts of other small inconspicuous mills nestled into residential areas and somehow being unnoticed and therefore untouched, full of dated machinery and the likes of. The inside wasn't exactly that unfortunately but it did hold some nice bits I thought I'd share. The interesting thing with this place is that no matter where I look I can't seem to find any official name or history for it. Recently, the burnt out Apex Mills down the road was demolished and the council published planning permission paperwork including a drawing of the surrounding area. The unit we explored was labelled "Warehouse" so our guess is that it was related to Apex Mills but there doesn't seem to be any concrete evidence to suggest that. If anyone can pinpoint any information about this place it would be great and I can update the thread accordingly. It is debateable whether this deserves a thread but here we are...

There was initial excitement over the covered rolls of fabrics that appeared like machinery from a far but we were mistaken, the small cramped unit was heavily decaying and still had an abundance of clothing hung up and the odd old sowing machine in situ. Other than that it was pretty fecked.





Clothing still hanging on their rails





Textile machinery


A view of the space from the opposite end of the room


The entrance level was in a seriously bad way and had little to show apart from what would have been a rather nice wood panelled lobby and most likely offices.



And there you have it. Short but sweet.

Thanks for reading!​


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Fetid, but in an interesting and photogenic industrial and soggy clothing kind of way.


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Site of Limbrick Mill, which predates Apex. by a few years.
Maybe a search for Brindle & Thompson, Cotton Spinners will yield some info

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