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Report - - Boredomiser, Derby, January 2020 | UK Draining Forum | Page 2 |

Report - Boredomiser, Derby, January 2020

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Regular User
Been a long time since I did this one. Myself @thompski & @Raptor Jesus tried following that smelly pipe as far as we could until the stench got too much...
How far up there did you get?
I went for a while but probs not as far as it felt, balancing on the pipe... and yeah I gave up because of the smell and the potential death.


Regular User
Really hard to click on a drain report titled 'Boredomiser'... but this looks more than alright.

Film in drains is tough and unforgiving task.
It’s nice isn’t it? Yeah I don’t know why the name, was expecting it to be much less of a thing than it turned out to be. Drains on film, tho. Worth the effort. As I’ve said before you’re partly to blame! ;-)


Regular User
Glad yer finally got to see this mate - nice one :thumb Wonder if all that pipe in a pipe stuff has something to do wiv derby getting a hammering in that recent storm?

Thanks! Long overdue this one.
Pipe in Pipe = sewer in culvert I think.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks tarkovsky, have seen sewage pipes submerged, but never raised like that before, at least not in the northwest. Thanks for letting me know.

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