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General - Box freestone quarry

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I see a note on another website that someone had a go at opening this entrance. It was then "thwarted by the Military Police".


28DL Member
28DL Member
Went there yesterday with a few buddies and we made it to Cath and back, and indeed there are entrances open to those that know... our entrance was very easy to get into. :thumb


Regular User
I see a note on another website that someone had a go at opening this entrance. It was then "thwarted by the Military Police".

Yep, some guys from DP tried opening up the capping structure at the top of the shaft. Tried unsuccessfully to keep it hush hush :D
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Regular User
Yeah because of you I believe !
Nice one !!!!!

No, because some dipshit from DP posted a NP thread from their site on their FB page that detailed the plans with photos. It was seen by plenty before another dipshit spotted it and deleted it.
I found it hilarious and couldn't stop myself winding your lot up.
I must say, you don't play very nicely.:D:D:D


Who's you lot ?
And I don't really think it wound anyone up, it just made you look like an excitable schoolboy,it was just going to be a handy alternative for access
But there's still plenty of entances for us all !


Regular User
Who's you lot ?
And I don't really think it wound anyone up, it just made you look like an excitable schoolboy,it was just going to be a handy alternative for access
But there's still plenty of entances for us all !

Trouble with your you(r) lot is, instead of just cracking on with things and keeping quiet, you have to plan a rota and broadcast all over the net.
Yeah, been in box since the grills went up. No big secret really, surprised the alternative entrances haven't been posted on the DP Facebook page........:rolleyes:


Mmm well the big dig had nout to do with me
And I'm not on Facebook , so not guilty sir !
Have a great day


"Big dig" :D:D:D
Small dig ,big dig, scraping of earth ,chopping up a bit of concrete
Whatever you want it to be called it's all irrelevant now anyway
Box is old news now been done a million times
The focus has now shifted to somewhere else (report up soon hopefully)
Good luck blabbing this sir !

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