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Report - Box Mines: First Report - Wilts - Feb 2008

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28DL Full Member
get out there, do some exploring, share some reports and maybe someone will be forthcoming with this sort of info, but just asking outright won't get you anywhere.

you know there are ways in now, get out and do some real exploring and find them, then share your findings on the forum.

also its a big place, don't go unprepared.

Daniel Hale

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
get out there, do some exploring, share some reports and maybe someone will be forthcoming with this sort of info, but just asking outright won't get you anywhere.

you know there are ways in now, get out and do some real exploring and find them, then share your findings on the forum.

also its a big place, don't go unprepared.
get out there, do some exploring, share some reports and maybe someone will be forthcoming with this sort of info, but just asking outright won't get you anywhere.

you know there are ways in now, get out and do some real exploring and find them, then share your findings on the forum.

also its a big place, don't go unprepared.
Dont worry we go prepared is just a 2 hour drive for us been to muddy hole that was good but just want to go somewhere big again only thing that lets it doen is all the spray paint


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What's the air like in there? Having done one just over a year ago in Northampton I'm itching to get back underground again. I keep hearing about box mine so may be a good (and hopefully less dangerous!!) Trip than my previous venture, which is up on here if anyone was interested


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
What's the air like in there? Having done one just over a year ago in Northampton I'm itching to get back underground again. I keep hearing about box mine so may be a good (and hopefully less dangerous!!) Trip than my previous venture, which is up on here if anyone was interested’s massive and has normal airflow,some bits are a tad musty but you dont have the same risks as a coal/ironstone mine


28DL Member
28DL Member
Good work, I too have been in but didnt manage to see cathedral so am itching to get back.
The old Back door was not easy to get through itself so I wonder if where u entered is possibly easier, was there much climbing where u went in?

I haven't been back for a while, but we managed to get to the Cathedral - it's amazing! - you HAVE to go there - just watch out for the 20+ft drop down the well (which is near by). We had lunch there too. I need to go back at some point but have been told the entrance we used (back door) has now been sealed off. So if anyone one knows a new way in then please do get in touch with me. When made the YouTube vid the lighting is quite poor as I didn't anticipate how big the place was!

All the best.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
First time doing a report, after reading up a bout box mines though a number of different sites mostly 28DL me and a fellow explorer decided to have a look for are selfs!

On entering the little village of box we thought where best to start but the local shop! Don’t bother with the one stop the gentleman who owns the little village shop is very friendly and welcoming! Once entering we brought a few bits to snack on whilst looking for the mines along with a few drink just in case! We asked about any know entrances to which he explained all the main once had been blocked of but best to ask the pub at the top of the hill called the The Quarryman's Arms.

Heading up to the pub we decided to park up near by and walk the rest of the way as we entered was stared at by all the locals, asking about the mine wasn’t as simple as we hoped and was told we had no chance in hell as they had been all closed off, all that there was to see was the closed off entrance! Boy being boy though why not go have a look surely can’t be that hard to get in!

Walking part way down the hill we came off the road and to are surprise found and opening we could climb though spending an hour and a half with out a map or markings we decided to leave it for the day and come back more equipped!

On our return not sure if the the entrance we had used would be accessible any more, we came back ready to take on the caves to are amazement they are much big then we originally thought! Only covering a small section of the map and not finding the magical red mod door! Below are a few pictures taken by my self! Hope you enjoyed!







Hey, sorry to revive an old thread but was wondering if anyone knows if the Quarrymans Inn still allows you to buy surveys of the mine as usable maps are hard to come by online and not going near it without a good map (and plenty of spare batteries)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Surveys are availiable from:

caveclimb (dot) com

Shepton Mallet Caving Club

HOWEVER I would caution anyone venturing to have a look at the Quarry that ALL accessable entry points are now grilled tighter than a duck's bum, and that the "50" will attend and ask you questions!!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Surveys are availiable from:

caveclimb (dot) com

Shepton Mallet Caving Club

HOWEVER I would caution anyone venturing to have a look at the Quarry that ALL accessable entry points are now grilled tighter than a duck's bum, and that the "50" will attend and ask you questions!!

I had a close friend try to buy them from SMCC and they refused purchase of all sections after all of the issues over the past few years , things may have changed now, but I doubt it


Bajo Tierra
Regular User
Hey, sorry to revive an old thread but was wondering if anyone knows if the Quarrymans Inn still allows you to buy surveys of the mine as usable maps are hard to come by online and not going near it without a good map (and plenty of spare batteries)

Place is sealed up fairly well at the moment so you wont be able to access the site even if you do find maps.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've never seen Buntings closed.
At least u've seen it lol been lookin 4 info on where abouts 2 look. Found writing underground but had a little look & nothin. Where am i goin wrong?


Weirdy Beardy
28DL Full Member
At least u've seen it lol been lookin 4 info on where abouts 2 look. Found writing underground but had a little look & nothin. Where am i goin wrong?

Best to research the lay of the land and chat someone up for the maps. Plenty of info out there, wandering around aimlessly wont get you far. It's a nice mine but personally once you've seen the fabled cathedral, cranes and graffiti it's pretty featureless compared to others out there. It's a cracking day out though

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