Well that"s comprehensive Mate

looks like
@Ojay"s finally got some competition
I don"t have an issue with the high amount of pics you"ve posted, especially when compared to some of the

that gets posted on the Forum

But i do want to know how i don"t show up on your Bradford Beck pics when you"re on 70% of mine you "FUCKER"
Again well done on the
mostly solo exploration of the system. Some people seem to need a whole posse before entering a drain (or anywhere else these days) then they all post up the same pics in the same week so at least we don"t have too suffer that and obviously the restrictions with your camera equipment will always limit the quality of the pics above but they"ve come out OK I"ve seen a lot worse
I like the final section the best for it"s structures (wherever 7 is ??)
I look forward to joining you in the future. Just not when there"s a sudden Flood warning while underground
Move !!!