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28DL and UE in the News Bradford Odeon - Feb 2012

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Squirrell 911

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice to see that they blame us for the damage rather than the pikies systematicy stripping the place for metals :wanker. The odeon was on the front of the local paper yesterday calling it an eysore. How long before it "accidentally and mysteriously" burns down :rolleyes:


Staff member
Nice to see that they blame us for the damage rather than the pikies systematicy stripping the place for metals :wanker. The odeon was on the front of the local paper yesterday calling it an eysore. How long before it "accidentally and mysteriously" burns down :rolleyes:

Funny you should say that, seems quite ironic we were only talking about this last week eh Squiz0r :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Unfortunately these report(s) have to blame someone and the quickest and easiest way is to point the finger at us, the Urban Explorer. they wouldn't dare talk about the pikies and blame them as they would end up with a law suit on their hands for discrimination! :wanker
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Staff member
Nothing to stop them saying 'metal thieves'

At the end of the day they are looking for an excuse to demo the place, like Squiz said it won't be long before its burnt to the ground like the rest of the eyesores that mysteriously caught fire in the past year or two


♥ Mama with a Camera ♥
28DL Full Member
Really annoys me when they Blame URBAN EXPLORERS !!
We are the only ones to really actually care about the states of the places.. we never steal/break/graffiti/smash ect... We just take photos
We don't break a way in, only go in if there is access.. we back off if there isnt any... Grr they annoy me !


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A detailed survey commissioned by the Homes and Community Association (HCA), the Government body which now owns the dilapidated city centre landmark, has concluded that the building is now “structurally unsafe” and points out a number of dangers, including the “serious fire risk” from abandoned furniture inside.

Almost at the top of the report, I'm no physic, but ....
Synical me perhaps?
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