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Report - Brett Aggregates North Sea Terminal, Cliffe - March 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So off you go to meet a mate and no doubt travel for no real reason to explore.. excellent obeying of the lockdown rules..

And before you say anything, was you that sentme the link to this report after how much shit i gave you about ignoring the common sense guidelines ?
Well myself and the mate I went with had both been inside for a good while so we knew we’ be alright. I only sent it to you because I knew you’d inevitably see it and have a moan so thought it best to get it done


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well, that's probably fair then! We're all going to have quite conflicting opinions on this, as long as we can stay civil about it, really.
I hope so mate, I really don’t think seeing a mate miles from anywhere populated will effect anyone


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know exploring is all about bending/breaking the rules, but there's a line, and when the health of friends and relatives depends upon following the rules, for once, almost all of us have realised that we need to stay at home. Except you. Well done.
Well I’ve not been out since realising the severity of it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fishing for likes trumps saving peoples lives mate. Get your priorities right.

I wouldn’t call it fishing for likes, I don’t think I’ve killed anyone by doing a short explore miles from anywhere


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Everyone else is staying safely inside and not taking unnecessary journeys, what makes you so special?
I know a fair few of my mates are ignoring the rules altogether. I went into the middle of nowhere not effecting anyone to do this, I think people need some perspective on what Is and what isnt gonna effect people


General Nuisance
28DL Full Member
I hope so mate, I really don’t think seeing a mate miles from anywhere populated will effect anyone
Unfortunately some people just love to play judge, jury and executioner whenever the opportunity arises. But I'm staying out of it and just waiting for it all to blow over, so we can just go back to sniping at people for not posting enough history or the full name of an explore. You know, the important stuff! :P


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Unfortunately some people just love to play judge, jury and executioner whenever the opportunity arises. But I'm staying out of it and just waiting for it all to blow over, so we can just go back to sniping at people for not posting enough history or the full name of an explore. You know, the important stuff! :p
Precisely mate, it’s not up to others to lay down the law, I suppose it’ll blow over in time. Is what it is aye


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Well myself and the mate I went with had both been inside for a good while so we knew we’ be alright. I only sent it to you because I knew you’d inevitably see it and have a moan so thought it best to get it done
14 day incubation period beforte you get symptoms .. yeah you where both ok after going stir crazy after 5 days in .. said all this before you dont get it..
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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I know a fair few of my mates are ignoring the rules altogether. I went into the middle of nowhere not effecting anyone to do this, I think people need some perspective on what Is and what isnt gonna effect people

Then they are being even more silly than you, and are the reason why we may lose the liberty to even go for a walk in the near future.

You do realise that the whole notion of not making any unnecessary journeys is only partly to do with not risking coming into contact with the virus, right? The other reason is if, heaven forbid, you had an accident going there or coming home or in the case of doing what we do injuring yourself somewhere you shouldn't be, you'd end up tying up emergency services needed elsewhere and then possibly end up in an overstretched hospital and end up being at even greater risk of contracting it.

The risk of death to young healthy people is very low but its not zero. Going exploring at the moment is not worth ending up in hospital on a ventilator for.


What bit about "death rates are soaring", "this pandemic hasn't even peaked yet", "6,159 people in the UK alone have died so far" don't you f00king get ?

You need to sort your act out, and realise how selfish your actions are, I feel bad enough having to nip out for essentials ffs!


living in a cold world
Regular User
Yeah, sorry but I'm also going to join team witch-hunt here. The shit going on out there is serious business, and even though it may have gone without a hitch it could easily have been a different story. Calculated risks is what this hobby is mostly about, but at the moment the overall consideration towards health and emergency services is paramount to this thing coming to an end. I'm bored as absolute sin at home, and would love nothing more than to be out and about with my camera but there's a MUCH bigger picture going on that we all need to respect.

As an emotional reach out, PLEASE heed the advice we're being given.


For 2 weeks now, the Government has made it very clear people should stay inside and only travel for essentials and nip out for light exercise

This is to protect lives and slow down the spread of this terrible pandemic and also to take the strain off the N.H.S whilst they deal with existing cases

I'd like to think the majority of us are respecting this and I know from speaking to many, although chomping at the bit to get out we are playing our part

Some of you are no doubt key workers, putting yourselves at risk daily throughout this time and we appreciate whatever it is you do

To consider exploring and travelling about unnecessarily during this period of "Lock down" and putting other people at risk is deplorable!

I'd like to thank everyone who has taken notice of the very clear messages being communicated daily, including the recent letter from Boris himself which dropped in the post today

Stay safe


28DL Regular User
Regular User

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