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28DL and UE in the News - Brighton crane climbers, Argus, 11/07/13 | 28DL and Urban Exploring in the News... | Page 2 |

28DL and UE in the News Brighton crane climbers, Argus, 11/07/13

The Guard Dog

Slightly older… still bites
28DL Full Member
They called you teens, take it as a compliment.

Horus makes a very good point and people do need to think about what they are doing and the risks of urbexing before taking the action.


Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member
In my opinion this is not urban exploring, it's thrill seeking to a new level.

The Guard Dog

Slightly older… still bites
28DL Full Member
I still get adrenaline rushes when doing bigger stuff mate, love it.

Oh yeah man, It's the fun of it. I get a rush even when I'm doing small stuff because of the risks of walking around each corner.

Well yeah course it is. I dont understand your point here?

I definitely get the point mate, I just thought this would be classed as high stuff... if they hadn't decided to fuck about.


Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member
It's called opinions and advice, if the world was without it what sort of society would we be?

Also just for you seeing as you brought it up, here is the correct way to wipe your bum...

To wipe your bum, get a tissue paper about three balled-up squares. Reach behind your bum while still seated and lean onto the opposing cheek. Wipe with the three central fingers of your acting hand under the toilet paper. Use sensible pressure and wipe at a cautious pace from front to back.

Also a picture diagram for you/

Failing to do this could cause disease's and might result in death.
Last edited:


Mr Muscle
28DL Full Member
This is just an urban stunt show, much like Philippe Petit tightrope walking between the World Trade Centres but with a lesser budget and recorded on readily available equipment. There has always been stuff like this happening, but now it's all over YouTube and blogs within minutes so it's far more visible. Plus it's being done in locations some of us actually aspire to be so we draw comparisons between the two pastimes. I've no doubt these guys are well trained and competent at what they're doing, despite their age, so good luck to them. It's certainly impressive to see it, if not a little toe curling, so appreciate it for what it is.

Hopefully we all know our limits and that allows us to stay safe in what we do. Whilst I absolutely love dangling my legs over the edge of high stuff whilst sitting and taking in the view, I cannot see myself doing what these guys do even on the ground, so there's no risk for me, and I would guess 99.9% of people on here.

These guys are simply performers who want to do their stuff higher, and in more dangerous locations than the last video that got a squijillion hits. It's been going on for years and long may it continue.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah GAJ, Man on wire. Thats a great film, gotta love a crazy frenchman.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I too agree with Horus.

These guys are complete amateurs.

I also watched James Southampton crane "climb" today for the first time and some of the other related "daredevil" acts by self proclaimed "trained professionals" LOL. Dangling off a crane jib requires no skill, training or professionalism whatsoever. My 5YO daughter does better, faster, monkey bar stuff than that! and let's face it, you'd have to be pretty unfit to not pull off a chin up or ten.
I totally get climbing a tower crane, chilling on the Machine Deck and taking in the view. But get out on the boom (thats covered in hydraudlic and pnuematic lubrication oil) and perform a few lame stunts that wouldn't impress anyone if it were two feet off the ground...Is this urban exploitation, parkour or extreme need 4 peer recognition?

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Dangling off a crane jib requires no skill, training or professionalism whatsoever.

I disagree. The minimum it takes is some balls. Could you do it?

My 5YO daughter does better, faster, monkey bar stuff than that!

I doubt it.

and let's face it, you'd have to be pretty unfit to not pull off a chin up or ten.

Not really, I can't do ten pull ups but my 10k time is quite good.

...perform a few lame stunts that wouldn't impress anyone if it were two feet off the ground

But it's not two feet of the ground.

...Is this urban exploitation, parkour or extreme need 4 peer recognition?

Bit of each maybe, but this is their pastime, not ours.

The Guard Dog

Slightly older… still bites
28DL Full Member
I'd be concerned if your 5 year old was allowed at the top of a crane or something like this.


Chatbox Retard
28DL Full Member
One easy way to prove it NPG70, go do it and stop being a keyboard warrior!

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