Dodge Hill will remain in heart forever.My first explore.About five years ago, having had a heavy night on the pop , I decided to have a look. Arming myself only with matches and candlelights (O.K Frosty Jack as well ) I set off with trepidation.After a long walk I finally arrived at the red sandstone entrance above the motorway.Acess was a little tight but surprisingly easy. Lighting my way as I went I slowly made my way through the disused tunnels.Metal beds and graffiti (don't unless you are as good as banksia....but even then maybe not) met my sight.I wandered through the tunnels at will viewing new wonders at every step.Suddenly I perceived a flickering. My god the candlelights were going out.Was I to be trapped in this vast labrinth in total darkness (phrase stolen from H.P Lovecraft....The Master).Thankfully dawn was breaking and as the last of my lights expired I saw its faint glow illuminating my exit. PPL
Good bit of old school stockport history there fingers!