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Report - - British Airways Training Centre - London - November 2021 | Industrial Sites |

Report - British Airways Training Centre - London - November 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I think most people know abut this one but just incase here is a little bit of history :)

Cranebank once offered a course which allowed passengers to experience a simulated aircraft emergency situation.

The half-day Flight Safety Awareness Course in London took place inside the facility's Boeing 737 cabin simulator and cost £135.
As well as a smoke-filled cabin and passengers' screams, crew would shout the emergency 'brace! Brace!' as participants adopted the position, readying them for an incident in the air.
The Flight Safety Awareness Course was originally designed for the petrochemical industry who fly their staff to wherever oil and gas is located in the world.
Since its inception in 2003, more than 15,000 people took part in the course.
Cranebank has not been used by British Airways for more than five years, and the land is designated for industrial use.
The airline now runs seminars, workshops and training at the British Airways Global Learning Academy at London Heathrow.
The new centre has a fleet of £10million full-motion flight simulators.

The Explore

Pictures are from two different explores as i missed parts the first time, this site is pretty damn big and i got a little lost a few times to be honest, as pretty much all the entry points are now sealed with high fences you cant just pop from one section from outside.

Security are still on site and do patrol it as spotted then while i was in the building.
Few pics of the simulators i know these have been done alot so wont post too many of them and will try to get some different images on here, Enjoy.
















28DL Regular User
Regular User
I know everyone goes on about it being the tour bus place. But I really like it and would still like to go. Nice to see the decaying bits more. I think they are my favourite parts. Done a really job of that.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Holy shit that is amazing. I thought it may be well and truly in top but I’m guessing not so much.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Some lovely mouldy green in parts. Nice crisp photos mate :thumb

Thank you

I know everyone goes on about it being the tour bus place. But I really like it and would still like to go. Nice to see the decaying bits more. I think they are my favourite parts. Done a really job of that.

Thanks wish I got a few more pictures of those parts, it's a great site imo tour bus or not and worth a visit before it's gone or they fully secure it.

Holy shit that is amazing. I thought it may be well and truly in top but I’m guessing not so much.

Thank you

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I do liking seeing here. Its great to see clear parts, and then the decaying locations. Its one of those sites that is a game of 2 halves. Really nicely covered. :cool:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I do liking seeing here. Its great to see clear parts, and then the decaying locations. Its one of those sites that is a game of 2 halves. Really nicely covered. :cool:

Thank you :) I enjoyed it, I'm amazed they haven't started to redevelop it yet.

Really interesting place and those images really are top notch...

Thank you :)

Some great decay taking hold there, though I bet it smelt awful. Excellent photos too!

Haha yeah some of them rooms were awful, colder and wetter than being outside too lol
Thank you


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is amazing! What is the security like if I may ask? I am dying to explore this site but I need to gather a plan.
Also what would happen if security was to catch you and whats the best way to get off scot free?

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
This is amazing! What is the security like if I may ask? I am dying to explore this site but I need to gather a plan.
Also what would happen if security was to catch you and whats the best way to get off scot free?

it pretty much tells you secca situation at start of post!
The consequences are the same as being caught anywhere, if you are concerned about it then exploring is prob not the hobby for you


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
it pretty much tells you secca situation at start of post!
The consequences are the same as being caught anywhere, if you are concerned about it then exploring is prob not the hobby for you

Thing is I have never been caught yet, What exactly is it like being caught?

As far as I know it, they just ask you to leave the site immediately and that you should be friendly and calm to security staff


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Thing is I have never been caught yet, What exactly is it like being caught?

As far as I know it, they just ask you to leave the site immediately and that you should be friendly and calm to security staff

There's no one size fits all answer as to what happens when or if you get caught. Some security are nice, some are dicks, some are dicks even if you're nice to them. Bottom line is treat them like a human being, they're only doing their job and you're not supposed to be there. Don't act all hard and give it the big one to them like so many goons do because that never ends well.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There's no one size fits all answer as to what happens when or if you get caught. Some security are nice, some are dicks, some are dicks even if you're nice to them. Bottom line is treat them like a human being, they're only doing their job and you're not supposed to be there. Don't act all hard and give it the big one to them like so many goons do because that never ends well.
Fair enough, im guessing the Heathrow site are pretty used to finding / perusing urbexxers.

Is it correct of me to say its unpredictable and its just a risk?

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