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Report - - British Celanese, Spondon November 2014 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - British Celanese, Spondon November 2014

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Optimus Prime

28DL Member
28DL Member
looks like some of those photos are from the "Flake Chem" building. Worked there in the early 90's on the fire alarm and foam extinguishing system. Also, on one of the other threads it shows a pipe bridge, I worked on the linear heat detection on there too.

Nice little trip back to possibly one of the worst sites I ever worked on. I remember the contractors installing a brand new length of galv cable tray, and within a week it looked like it had been there 20 years, all corroded and rusted.

We used to be warned if we were walking along and our eyes started stinging to run to the nearest eye wash station as it would be a cloud of some escaped substance which you couldn't see or smell, and you only had a few seconds to rinse your eyes before you had big problems.

There was also a tank on which the safety had been bolted shut, and blew the top off. Was probably 10 or 15 foot across, bent and distorted like a coke can.

However, that said, the on site canteen was fantastic, proper home cooked food in good portions at a knock down price. Seem to remember 3 courses for less than a quid. Jam roll and custard was top notch.


28DL Full Member
I went up to the site and past on my run on Boxing Day .... Limit site of it but it didn't seem like much has been moved or taken out at all, although when I passed on the train 5 months ago there was a load of trucks on site


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There was no signs of Demo" work of any kind going on when we visited. And no Heavy Plant etc visible.

Lots of access & Fire doors screwed shut though lol


Dirty Donker
28DL Full Member
Iv just had a trip over to this place and there's not much left standing, major work going off on all of the buildings there.



Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Any more photos? Trying to work out which building that is? And activity at the power station?


( . Y . )
Regular User
Any more photos? Trying to work out which building that is? And activity at the power station?

That looks like the properly derelict one with the nice signs and the cable tunnels. In fact, I can see all the signs I want still dangling there ffs


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Mate haven't you heard, defunct companies like Celense sell all those derpy signs to Drew Prichard for mega bucks before buildings get demolished so its wrong for us to take them. Poor Drew is going to have to get his ladder out now..


Dirty Donker
28DL Full Member
I could be wrong. By the looks of it, there is 3 or 4 buildings including the one I posted that are being ripped apart. I couldn't get close enough to see which ones have been explored so will post the other photos shortly :)


Dirty Donker
28DL Full Member
I have uploaded another photo which might give you a better idea. I was stood the other side of the train line and couldn't get any closer.


I have a quick question. Do posts always need moderator review before they are published?


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Yeh i can see it now. Typically exactly the building i would have liked to have seen again. Never mind!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Iv just had a trip over to this place and there's not much left standing, major work going off on all of the buildings there.


"BUGGER" :banghead I new i should have got my finger out for a revisit :(

So this is from the Train Station side then ?


Dirty Donker
28DL Full Member
Yes ACID, I was stood the other side of the train line looking over, the track is just past the bramble bush you can see. I was hoping to get more closer but had no chance. I originally went around the front entrance but there was security at the gate. I was unsure what to say to them so just drove off.


Dirty Donker
28DL Full Member
Yes ACID, i was stood the other side of the train line which is just in front of the brambles that you can see in the images. This was the closest I could get which was a shame.