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Report - - British Sugar - Bardney - August 2015 | Industrial Sites |

Report - British Sugar - Bardney - August 2015


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
History which I just copied and pasted from their own website because I am lazy.

The Lincolnshire Beet Sugar Company Ltd. was registered as a Public Company on 14th January 1927. The contracts for the erection of the factory took place at the first board meeting the following week on Tuesday 18th January. Possession of the land was gained on 20th February - 98 acres of land purchased from Mr Herbert Dennis [Dennis Estates Ltd]. The price was £6,000. Site construction began on 01-02-1927. It is said that Jack Easton set the first site peg. Jack progressed to Sugar End Foreman. The cost of construction was £390,000. The Factory Offices were occupied in June.The buildings were completed by Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons. It was designed by an American business - Messrs. Dyer & Co.
Bardney Factory closure announced at 10-30hrs. on 23rd January. Finished Products and the Packaging Plant are to continue operations.
The last load of beet belonged to Mr Marris of South Clifton, Newark and was delivered by John S Ives [Haulier] [30-01-2001]. The last sample was taken by David Pettit. Weighbridge closed for deliveries at 17-30 hrs [30-01-2001].
Beet slicing finished at 21-45hrs [31-01-2001]. The last Pan of white sugar was boiled and dropped by Ian Close and spun by Kenny Fountain (Both Seasonal Employees) All processing staff leave site on 9th February. Final Social Evening and Dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel, Dunholme [06-03-2001]. The two Vertical Crystallisers are taken to their new home at York factory
The Lincsgran Sports & Welfare Club closed for business on 12-09-2001.
The ‘NEU’ Fluidised-Bed Cooler and associated plant was removed for export to Russia. (23-11-2001).
The Granulator was also despatched to a Russian venue on 11-01-2002.

The Explore

Visited with Hamtagger, after seeing Raz climb the silo here we decided to check it out. Literally being as brazen as we could, drove right up to the barrier where security were and they lifted it. We drove through and parked up haha. Suckers! We checked out the nearest building and found access pretty easily. Got in and found a little workshop but it led nowhere.
Anyway, we did this little workshop and infiltrated what looked like a live section where the forklift goes to pick up the finished product from the factory. Went upstairs and tried to get in there, a couple of lab rooms and a few wasps preying on their next fix of sugar but nowt interesting really. We left there and walked round the back to where all the rusty metal was, we saw the tower which was pretty nice, rusty as fuck but still pretty sturdy. Some nice bits round here, old conveyor belts and just nice rusty stuff. Always makes good pics! So after we got snappy with the rust we started going up the tower. Bearing in mind we had been in this place a couple of hours, as we were climbing up a burgundy landrover pulled in beneath us. The guy werent happy, in fact he was quite abrupt and a bit of a wanker. Didn't like it though when he realised that it was him that lifted the barrier to let us in hahaha. Got in his motor and buggered off. We got back to the car, expecting them to question us more but drove straight out. Will have to go back as so much more to see. Nice building and I can only hope that the insides of the building have something nice to offer but I guess only time will tell.

Anyway on with the pics..












28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looking good, if I'm not mistaken this is the place we got busted a few years ago. police,dogs and a very irate owner…i thought it was long gone. if it is the same the inside was amazing back then.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looking good, if I'm not mistaken this is the place we got busted a few years ago. police,dogs and a very irate owner…i thought it was long gone. if it is the same the inside was amazing back then.

Thanks, a revisit may be in order. The main building is bloody huge!


Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
Very nice indeed. Really like the look of this. Can't belive they opened gate and let you in bloody epic. Thx for pics and report


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
lol, just reading this, nice fotos - we didnt bother to shoot - we managed to sneak in via the bushes and the gate very early, we got in the workshop, but didnt get any further - the other area is cordoned off and its hard to tell how much of that is occupied. I would certainly advise to for non public, we're gonna go back eventually, have a plan - but like anything its time / effort vs a long shot with many other certs on the list and limited time these days, but you would need to be good with fences to get in the other side of the complex, but it can be done...

someone will do it at some point, hats off to those who do, we nearly cracked it ...



Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
It was all live when we did it before. They use it for distribution but not manufacturing as far as I know?


The Human Turbine.
28DL Full Member
Yeah Speed. The silos for storage; there were a few wagons knocking about on our visit.

Lads just break into live sites and when you come to a dead/semi live site you just don't care.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It was all live when we did it before. They use it for distribution but not manufacturing as far as I know?

One of the warehouses were still live, Unsure for what though. Could have been distribution. Also on the top level there were laboratories which were live too. The doors have keep closed due to wasps sins in them so I can only assume it was used for sugar purposes.