Sixxfingers & Tims
Well just got back after being pestered by Tims, telling me how big and how good this site was...
He was fucking right! Its huge and really impressive... and of course it goes without saying - a fantastic explore!!! (Thanks again for keeping on at me mate
If your up here, its got to be seen... very simular to Lincoln Casting and the feel of Londbridge of the Sugar world. This is one of the first original Sugar Beet Factory's in this country, so it has a mixture of old and new...
A bit of history:
In the summer of 1925 Henry Beacon came to Lincolnshire to investigate the prospects of building a Beet Sugar Factory in the County having already made contact with a Mr. J H Dennis with a view to the purchase of a suitable site at Bardney. Mr Beacon, who had previously been associated with a Beet Factory in Northern France, brought to Lincolnshire two companies to help assess the agricultural and technical issues, these were Messieurs Gaspart and Chevron, to obtain expert advice as to the suitability of the area for beet growing and the location of the site.
In October 1925 Mr. Beacon launched his acreage campaign with a series of meetings in local towns and villages. On November 23rd a circular letter, signed by Lords Yarborough and Heneage, eight Lincolnshire M.P.’s and leading Agriculturists was issued, in which farmers were advised that the project of erecting a Factory at Bardney had the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Farmers’ Union. The letter contained an appeal for 6,000 acres of sugar beet to be grown. By the end of the year sufficient acreage had either been contracted, or promised, to justify the building of a Factory. Unfortunately, the capital (which was partly of French origin) was not forth coming at the last moment and by the middle of January 1926 hope of the Factory being erected for that season’s crop was abandoned.
In the first campaign at Bardney 12,800 growers were contracted to cultivate 11,500 acres of beet. This produced a crop of 81,380 tons of beet with a yield of 7.24 tons per acre producing 10,085 tons of sugar, 6,111 tons of animal feed and 980 tons of molasses. Deliveries were made by road, rail and barge:The Factory achieved an average daily slice rate of 1007 tons and the campaign lasted 81 days.
In the 2000/2001 Campaign, the last, the Factory produced 108,227 metric tonnes of sugar, achieved an average daily slice rate of 6033 tonnes and operated for 126 days. Despite the closure of the Factory the Bardney spirit lives on. A number of former Bardney employees have gone on to work at other British Sugar Factories where they maintain Bardney’s good reputation.
A few pictures from tonights visit... I hope you enjoy
On the way across the bridge...
Inside one of the newer buildings...
To the top...
Large Boilers...
On the roof...
Control Room...
Log book dated with today's date
Main chimney with lookout tower...
Settling Tanks...
A look back... before we left
Well just got back after being pestered by Tims, telling me how big and how good this site was...
He was fucking right! Its huge and really impressive... and of course it goes without saying - a fantastic explore!!! (Thanks again for keeping on at me mate

If your up here, its got to be seen... very simular to Lincoln Casting and the feel of Londbridge of the Sugar world. This is one of the first original Sugar Beet Factory's in this country, so it has a mixture of old and new...
A bit of history:
In the summer of 1925 Henry Beacon came to Lincolnshire to investigate the prospects of building a Beet Sugar Factory in the County having already made contact with a Mr. J H Dennis with a view to the purchase of a suitable site at Bardney. Mr Beacon, who had previously been associated with a Beet Factory in Northern France, brought to Lincolnshire two companies to help assess the agricultural and technical issues, these were Messieurs Gaspart and Chevron, to obtain expert advice as to the suitability of the area for beet growing and the location of the site.
In October 1925 Mr. Beacon launched his acreage campaign with a series of meetings in local towns and villages. On November 23rd a circular letter, signed by Lords Yarborough and Heneage, eight Lincolnshire M.P.’s and leading Agriculturists was issued, in which farmers were advised that the project of erecting a Factory at Bardney had the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Farmers’ Union. The letter contained an appeal for 6,000 acres of sugar beet to be grown. By the end of the year sufficient acreage had either been contracted, or promised, to justify the building of a Factory. Unfortunately, the capital (which was partly of French origin) was not forth coming at the last moment and by the middle of January 1926 hope of the Factory being erected for that season’s crop was abandoned.
In the first campaign at Bardney 12,800 growers were contracted to cultivate 11,500 acres of beet. This produced a crop of 81,380 tons of beet with a yield of 7.24 tons per acre producing 10,085 tons of sugar, 6,111 tons of animal feed and 980 tons of molasses. Deliveries were made by road, rail and barge:The Factory achieved an average daily slice rate of 1007 tons and the campaign lasted 81 days.
In the 2000/2001 Campaign, the last, the Factory produced 108,227 metric tonnes of sugar, achieved an average daily slice rate of 6033 tonnes and operated for 126 days. Despite the closure of the Factory the Bardney spirit lives on. A number of former Bardney employees have gone on to work at other British Sugar Factories where they maintain Bardney’s good reputation.
A few pictures from tonights visit... I hope you enjoy
On the way across the bridge...
Inside one of the newer buildings...
To the top...
Large Boilers...
On the roof...
Control Room...
Log book dated with today's date
Main chimney with lookout tower...
Settling Tanks...
A look back... before we left
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