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Report - - Bucklands Sand and Silica - Surrey - November 2014 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Bucklands Sand and Silica - Surrey - November 2014

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Went to clock house 2 weeks ago, the building has been gutted, it’s one massive empty shell now with not a single bit of machinery inside, it’s 100% empty, the smaller building have been flattened and the main brickworks is on its way down as well. Rip clockhouse :/ happy I got to see it before this happened.
Really? Got any pics??


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Ok, thanks.... I won't rely on that any more then! ;)

Use it but don't rely on it. Cross reference with bing maps and or Google Earth and do your own research into whether things are still there as a lot of the time when stuff is demolished there are articles online about it.

Mr Sentimental

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Use it but don't rely on it. Cross reference with bing maps and or Google Earth and do your own research into whether things are still there as a lot of the time when stuff is demolished there are articles online about it.
Will do, thanks for the advice.