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Report - - Burslem Market Hall, Stoke-on-Trent - February 2022 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Burslem Market Hall, Stoke-on-Trent - February 2022

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
You could try messaging the local councillor about it. Ours are ultimately useless at governing but seem oddly keen to help with 'little wins' like that. Sure we can club together to buy a few sheets of ply!

Ill be surprised if they give a shit, they are prob waiting for the inevitable fire or just for it to get completely wrecked to get Griff & the Victorian boys off their back!


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Yeh depends what the councillor is like. Ours supports all the wrong policies when it comes to voting time but love to think they are helping people out by dealing with their insignificant problems. I guess they think its winning them votes.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
"seen doing the rounds"
"cat out the bag"
"splashed all over..."

Love it. :lol

Those shopfronts are fucking mint. All about that.

well as the court just down the road which is 10 times as good & absolutely unvandalized has been put in public (presumably because that too has been on fb) in what world should this be NP?

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
It cleary is on the internet everywhere and I have just searched it on google after a few moments found it , I am not going their but if I can do it anyone could ! The windows deserve to be saved but the truth is the council won’t do it they would have to pay a fortune just for the risk assessment on the removal of them which would out weigh their value …. Cleary people don’t no the cost on health and safety now days ..:


28DL Regular User
Regular User
well as the court just down the road which is 10 times as good & absolutely unvandalized has been put in public (presumably because that too has been on fb) in what world should this be NP?

That should have arguably been shifted into public yonks ago


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice one youth! Still yet to look at my pictures from here.

Fingers crossed something gets sorted with those windows, I know there will be a long line of us wanting so save them if the council don’t :rofl

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Really cool explore this. Huge amounts of ogs bits. Some fab signage & iron work. Great job guys


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lovely place, and lovely shots, but it seems a bit hypocritical to complain about "the masses streaming in daily" when you've got the address of the place in the title. I know, that's the rules around here, I know.

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