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Report - - Buxton Blue Lagoon (High Peak, Derbyshire) 26/02/23 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Buxton Blue Lagoon (High Peak, Derbyshire) 26/02/23


28DL Member
28DL Member
In the small town of Buxton in the High Peak there is a tropical looking quarry. The water is blue because it is full of lime and has a deadly Ph of 11 and it's filled with deadly chemicals.

WARNING! Not only does the water have the Ph of bleach but it is filled with dead animals, cars, batteries ect ect (your skin will burn if you touch the water)

From 1835 to 1952 limestone was extracted from here and used for steelmaking and in 1938 the R.A.F used the quarry as a depot for storing chemical weapons (much of which are in the water) but the quarry shut down in 1960.

The quarry is located in Harpur Hill, Buxton and can be easily seen on google earth. It is public property and you can take photos and walk around.







Regular User
"Deadly" - really?

I wouldn't advocate swimming in Hoffman Quarry ...but you could do so. It will cause irritation but unlikley to be any lasting damage (unless you start drinking it). It's actually a very weak alkali despite the 'news'papers sensationalism. Telling people it's 'not really all that bad...certainly not as bad as Cae Coch" would encourage people to park all over the show and block roads every time the warm weather arrives!

Do you have a factual reference for the dumping of chemical weapons in there?

Didn't you walk down the manway?


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Pretty sure water has to be over ph12.5 to be deemed corrosive
A lot of soap is ph10


28DL Member
28DL Member
"Deadly" - really?

I wouldn't advocate swimming in Hoffman Quarry ...but you could do so. It will cause irritation but unlikley to be any lasting damage (unless you start drinking it). It's actually a very weak alkali despite the 'news'papers sensationalism. Telling people it's 'not really all that bad...certainly not as bad as Cae Coch" would encourage people to park all over the show and block roads every time the warm weather arrives!

Do you have a factual reference for the dumping of chemical weapons in there?

Didn't you walk down the manway?
well the locals say they put chemical weapons in there (idk if it's true or not) but under the water there really is alot of crap to get caught on and people do just dump stuff in there. A few years ago the council tried to fill it up with gravel but couldn't for some reason so they dyed it black instead because people actually got giant rashes on their skin after swimming it but the dye has wore off now.


Massive Member
Regular User
well the locals say they put chemical weapons in there (idk if it's true or not) but under the water there really is alot of crap to get caught on and people do just dump stuff in there. A few years ago the council tried to fill it up with gravel but couldn't for some reason so they dyed it black instead because people actually got giant rashes on their skin after swimming it but the dye has wore off now.

The chemical weapons were stored nearby in RAF Harpur Hill, there was a mustard gas leak a few years ago that killed some livestock.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Every year when the heatwaves come, this place is packed full of swimmers! Wouldn't like to go in there myself, there's dead livestock and all sorts. Yuck!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I live not too far from this place and confirm in the heights of summer it's a shit show with cars parked allover the place. pissed up teens swimming and partying and so on. I don't think anyone has dissolved in there though


g00n Buster
Staff member
i used to be one of the pissed up teens bbq’ing and swimming in here.

It was great. 😎

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