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Report - Cains Brewery Liverpool - March 2016

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The Franconian

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I like the optic of these brickwork buildings and how they put their names in.
Sad, when they will be all gone, as they will never be built again this way.
Must have a look on it on my next visit to Liverpool (only passed it by car yet).
Need to get me a list of buildings I'd like to see, even only from outside
p.s. nice work that

The Man In Black

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I like the optic of these brickwork buildings and how they put their names in.
Sad, when they will be all gone, as they will never be built again this way.
Must have a look on it on my next visit to Liverpool (only passed it by car yet).
Need to get me a list of buildings I'd like to see, even only from outside
p.s. nice work that
cheers mate I love the brick work lots of buildings around like this hidden here and everywhere


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely done & well done on getting in mate :thumb

I was wandering round it taking externals the other week when the people from the Wine shop? came out with angry faces following me about, although TBF i did look like a Homeless person with a camera instead of a Dog ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well done for getting such good pix whilst on the run! :)

I like the optic of these brickwork buildings and how they put their names in.
Sad, when they will be all gone, as they will never be built again this way.
Must have a look on it on my next visit to Liverpool (only passed it by car yet).
Need to get me a list of buildings I'd like to see, even only from outside
p.s. nice work that

This is so true ; nothing's built to really last these days which is very sad. The last thing around here you could say was built to last centuries instead of decades is probably the Anglican cathedral,which you can see in some of the shots from Cain's roof.
