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Cane Hill Remastered - A Look Back at the 'King' of Asylums - 2006 to 2008 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 4 |

Cane Hill Remastered - A Look Back at the 'King' of Asylums - 2006 to 2008

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28DL Maverick
28DL Full Member
Somehow missed this report when it was first posted but great work fella, a proper interesting read and photos, so much so that it made me late for work yesterday haha. As a few other people have said am gutted I missed this one as it was 'before my time' but glad you and others were around to capture it. The photos of the patients artwork are ace, bet you found some proper gems in that room. By far the best report I've seen on here in ages :Not Worthy


28DL Member
28DL Member
Volunteered at CH a few times as a teenager in the 1970’s - accompanied my aunt who volunteered every week. Just chatted or read to the patients. Grossly understaffed and remember feeling so sad for the worse-off patients who had little or no stimulation.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Volunteered at CH a few times as a teenager in the 1970’s - accompanied my aunt who volunteered every week. Just chatted or read to the patients. Grossly understaffed and remember feeling so sad for the worse-off patients who had little or no stimulation.

I really wish I could have a hour just walking the wards when it was in use. I'm sure a lot of people on this forum would appreciate a little more detail of your recollections...


Hello Officer
28DL Full Member
That's one damn fine report. Makes an excellent read. Some good images there too, especially that one of the green toilets.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Whenever I see photos from Cane Hill it stabs me in the heart that I was just a year too late to experience it in all it's glory. Such is life :(

Much like you say it was the photos from Cane Hill that really sparked my interest in this crazy hobby all that time ago.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What a place, these types of places make me wish I was born around 12 years earlier, can’t help but think I’d be setting myself getting in to one of these places these days.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Remember this place very well. Read in the papers about the fires every so often. Cycled up there when I saw there was a public right of way across the field from portnals to the train station. Cycled up to the main door and looked at the clock tower. Thought I would get in trouble so made off. That was before the final fire that brought in the fence and big guns then ultimately demolition. Had read on the Internet when it was all buzzy dial up that there were still chains fixed to walls to secure patients but not sure how true.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Remember this place very well. Read in the papers about the fires every so often. Cycled up there when I saw there was a public right of way across the field from portnals to the train station. Cycled up to the main door and looked at the clock tower. Thought I would get in trouble so made off. That was before the final fire that brought in the fence and big guns then ultimately demolition. Had read on the Internet when it was all buzzy dial up that there were still chains fixed to walls to secure patients but not sure how true.

Yeh standard asylum rumor.. not true!

Can really imagine being able to just walk up to the place tbh! I guess most of them were like that once.

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