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Report - - Cantley Sugar Factory Pump Houses, Norfolk - October 2024 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Cantley Sugar Factory Pump Houses, Norfolk - October 2024

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Me and @JakeV50 had a small pump house pinned near to the Cantley Sugar Factory site so decided to have a look for it. Turns out, it wasn’t there anymore but along the way, we found a couple of nice little pump houses.

Information & History
Cantley Sugar Factory is a large production facility located in the Norfolk Broads. It opened in 1912 and is one of several British Sugar sites in the UK. The main factory is surrounded by numerous settling ponds which vary in size. These aim to remove particulates and turbidity (cloudy polluted water) from wastewater to control water pollution at the facility. Regular draining and re-silting are required hence the need for pumping equipment to pump the water around.

The Explore
This one turned out to be a good day out, finding a couple of nice pumping stations we didn’t notice on maps. There are several dotted around the settling ponds, some accessible, some not, and many are still active.

A public footpath runs between the main factory and the River Yare, so it felt appropriate to walk by the factory itself. The large original building in the centre is very old and has some lovely design cues. The windows reminded me of parts of Fletcher’s Paper Mill that I visited at the end of last year.




Further along the path revealed some in-use water treatment systems humming away


Employees of the factory can fish on the river banks and in some of the ponds


We got lucky with the first pumping station which is situated right by the River Yare and is used to pump water from the Yare to the settling ponds to aid the cleaning process. There was a temporary ladder and light hanging up inside and the door was open a jar, it was as if an engineer had been working in there that morning and had gone for their lunch. We quickly took turns inside taking some handheld shots, thanks to the handy light we didn’t quite have to use potato ISO, just slight potato. We were a little worried about someone coming back and finding us in there but thankfully had no issues as we didn’t hang around.

This building contains a snail-shaped Pulseometer pump powered via a modern electric motor with a drive-belt. The belt system and pump looked pretty old, but the electric motor seemed a lot newer. I am thinking the original setup would’ve used a small diesel engine before being replaced by the electric unit.








Moving along the footpath revealed more water structures such as a pipe system which runs around the site



One of the larger basins had a portable pumping setup running alongside another pumping station which appeared disused. This one was inaccessible bar a small empty storage area to the side.



In the same area, we found two more small pump houses, but these were inaccessible, the first one being locked, and the second surrounded by incredibly boggy water.



The final pumping station we came across was in a very plain building, we saw it from the footpath and almost disregarded it as storage but were pleasantly surprised when we opened the door which revealed a large Rees Roturbo pump which was powered by an Electric Construction Co. motor.


This setup looks considerably older than the building it sits in, I would imagine the old structure was constructed cheaply from corrugated iron and was in poor condition, forcing the factory to replace it. This set up is most certainly disused, I wonder how long it’s been out of action?








We enjoyed the nice scenery The Broads has to offer before heading back to the car.


Thanks for looking.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Very interesting report, nice to see something in a bit of a different setting. The industrial factory shots at the start are tasty too.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Very interesting report, nice to see something in a bit of a different setting. The industrial factory shots at the start are tasty too.
Cheers mate, yeah there was a very industrial atmosphere around there, it was quite surreal with that huge factory being there surrounded by untouched scenery. I did try and get the geometry right on the first shot but I think it made the big tower look too giant:



Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Cheers mate, yeah there was a very industrial atmosphere around there, it was quite surreal with that huge factory being there surrounded by untouched scenery. I did try and get the geometry right on the first shot but I think it made the big tower look too giant:

It's an interesting point really. Many people would tell you that that is correct architectural perspective, complete with making the tower look big at the top. Seen many an image of church towers and bits where the stuff on the top looks giant. Theoretically it's still correct because it's no different to taking a photo with a tilt shift lens from the ground - or a box camera like they did in the old days. But if the point is to show the plan of the structure from one side as it would have been drawn (as though the camera was hovering bang in the centre of the building in the air), it's still distorted when you can see the underside of the walkway round the top etc, and it makes you wonder why the purists want to 'correct' the perspective in the first place.

Another factor on the other hand is that we rarely see buildings from their midpoint or above, so the top of structures end up looking smaller given that they're furthest from the ground. When you look at the handrail ontop of the chimney and at the bottom of it, they're about the same size here, so that shows they're still fairly accurate even if its not what we're used to seeing from the ground.

I think both work, but the first definitely looks more natural though. I know it's much of a muchness to many, but something I've thought about a lot and if you play around with the perspective sliders, it's something you can't really avoid considering sooner or later.
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
It's an interesting point really. Many people would tell you that that is correct architectural perspective, complete with making the tower look big at the top. Seen many an image of church towers and bits where the stuff on the top looks giant. Theoretically it's still correct because it's no different to taking a photo with a tilt shift lens from the ground - or a box camera like they did in the old days. But if the point is to show the plan of the structure from one side as it would have been drawn (as though the camera was hovering bang in the centre of the building in the air), it's still distorted when you can see the underside of the walkway round the top etc, and it makes you wonder why the purists want to 'correct' the perspective in the first place.

Another factor on the other hand is that we rarely see buildings from their midpoint or above, so the top of structures end up looking smaller given that they're furthest from the ground. When you look at the handrail ontop of the chimney and at the bottom of it, they're about the same size here, so that shows they're still fairly accurate even if its not what we're used to seeing from the ground.

I think both work, but the first definitely looks more natural though. I know it's much of a muchness to many, but something I've thought about a lot and if you play around with the perspective sliders, it's something you can't really avoid considering sooner or later.
Yeah it is quite an interesting debate really, suppose it just depends on the specific subject matter, I suppose the best way to deal with it is to work on a case-by-case basis, like myself in this case deciding to use the photo with the technically 'incorrect' perspective.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Yeah it is quite an interesting debate really, suppose it just depends on the specific subject matter, I suppose the best way to deal with it is to work on a case-by-case basis, like myself in this case deciding to use the photo with the technically 'incorrect' perspective.
Id be interested to hear a pro's opinion on it really. But yeah I think when it has to be altered that much, it surely can't be any more correct than the non-straight one and it's just a matter of personal preference. I think in these cases, good photography breaks the rules intentionally rather than out of ignorance.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That's really nice mate and really like the second pump house. You got some great shots. More secret explores :p. Two for the price of one.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That's really nice mate and really like the second pump house. You got some great shots. More secret explores :p. Two for the price of one.
Cheers mate, I didn't think they would be quite so much your thing really! I can send details if you like though, just lemme know.


"The Pump People"
Regular User
You managed to get a half decent report out of this one, I forgot how nice that last pump room was. It'll be good and get some night shots of the site I reckon


28DL Regular User
Regular User
You managed to get a half decent report out of this one, I forgot how nice that last pump room was. It'll be good and get some night shots of the site I reckon
Cheers, yeah they were both quite nice with some lovely equipment inside. I wonder what the inaccessible ones were like? Yeah looking forward to that!