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Report - Chalk pit - near Braton white horse April 2021

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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
no way to do that without putting the door at an angle though, this can be overcome by photographing from a distance with a longer lens but thats not an option for indoor pictures.
Im aware, but id of balanced it out, doors not the object in view, i use wideangle and fuisheye a lot so you can imagine the inner struggle i have striaghtening my own pictures up

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
I say what i see mate, i have a bit of a thing about pics not being straight , and a few of yours set my ocd right off, nowt wrong with any of them, well nothing a little adjustment wouldnt make
thing is I am not trying for the perfect picture never I honestly spend around 5 seconds on a photo , to me it’s all about fun and just sharing my collection of images , their are some great photographs on this site ! My personal opinion is you either enjoy taking photos and making sure they are really good ! Or your just the sort of person who snaps a quick picture to document where your visit :thumb

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
no way to do that without putting the door at an angle though, this can be overcome by photographing from a distance with a longer lens but thats not an option for indoor pictures.
iPhones don’t come with lenses haha I wouldn’t want one if they did ! Far to complicated for me


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
thing is I am not trying for the perfect picture never I honestly spend around 5 seconds on a photo , to me it’s all about fun and just sharing my collection of images , their are some great photographs on this site ! My personal opinion is you either enjoy taking photos and making sure they are really good ! Or your just the sort of person who snaps a quick picture to document where your visit :thumb
It wasnt a dig meant in any way other than a little light hearted banter. iphone explains a lot lol

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
It wasnt a dig meant in any way other than a little light hearted banter. iphone explains a lot lol
No worries at all ! I no my photos above ground are not the best because the sun light burns my eyes !! I belong here !


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
no issue, just me being know me, have opinion will discuss :p
its a trick estate agents use, photographing gardens with superwide angle lenses to create an impression of a huge garden, when you see the real thing it is nowhere near as big as the picture suggests.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
its a trick estate agents use, photographing gardens with superwide angle lenses to create an impression of a huge garden, when you see the real thing it is nowhere near as big as the picture suggests.
thats why i do love the fisheye for such shots.

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