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Report - - Chatterley Whitfield Colliery / Mining Museum - 2018 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 3 |

Report - Chatterley Whitfield Colliery / Mining Museum - 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We got busted pretty quickly! I couldn't believe that the CCTV we saw was related to the site as it was so far away!
It was all sealed up tight so not much was accessible! We got a right bollocking off a couple of Police officers!
Well done on the great shots!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Amazing report under tricky circumstances given seca top photting. This is a criminal situation though with the neglect of the place. My school were due to take us there the year that it flooded back again (80s). I think a sister pit stopped pumping and we couldn't go underground and it was closed, supposedly temporarily. Given the effort that went into the place, to see it now is quit edistressing frankly. Mining museums seem to be a contentious thing though several sites have come and gone over the years.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Amazing pictures, My Caving Club (DCC Derbyshire Caving Club) Still actually has the old style Lamps and Lamp generators which we mainly use for guided tours etc.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
I stopped in here for a legit visit as part of the Heritage Open Days... the Friends were so thrilled to see inside everything via these pictures they had them on a slideshow in the exhibition at the end!
A few members of the friends group had been in touch after I posted these, and they asked if they could use them, to which I agreed. Glad they are being put to good use :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's a truly excellent report. I actually went underground here, back in 1982 when the museum and underground tour were at their best. What's happened subsequently is a crying shame. However, the reality is that it would be hugely expensive to restore it to what it was. As an example of the cost, the headframe at South Crofty in Cornwall was recently refurbished - it cost around £600,000.

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