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Report - Chaucer School - June 2018 - Canterbury, Kent

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ahh that’s good and I like guards and police officers who aren’t pricks who Are respectful to urban explorers
He was a little crazy though :D

Him: Do you believe in paranormal events?
Me: Haha no, do you?
Him: Well we're not supposed to..

Later on he showed me a picture he took of some people who got in, zooms into a window in the background and points at a white part and says "what do you think that is??". This "paranormal event" he had captured was just an overexposed part of the image

Luke vaughan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
He was a little crazy though :D

Him: Do you believe in paranormal events?
Me: Haha no, do you?
Him: Well we're not supposed to..

Later on he showed me a picture he took of some people who got in, zooms into a window in the background and points at a white part and says "what do you think that is??". This "paranormal event" he had captured was just an overexposed part of the image
Ah that’s cool and u don’t usually get ghosts or sightings in a school as it happens more in churches or hospitals I’d think or pubs and as long as he was cool and not aggressive like some guards are


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice Report.

But why?

Tosser councils arggghhh, my school 40 years ago still going shiny bricks 112 years old.

Nice historic buyers 'hmmmm' polite word


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went here today (Tuesday at like 11am) and genuinely couldn't find a single possible entrance. My mate managed to get on the roof but no sign of any ways in from there either, tried every door and window. Security either didn't care or didn't see, walked past his lil shed thing on the way back and heard him laughing, didn't even know there was security before entering lmfao. I guess he didn't expect anyone to try at that time of the morning.



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went here today (Tuesday at like 11am) and genuinely couldn't find a single possible entrance. My mate managed to get on the roof but no sign of any ways in from there either, tried every door and window. Security either didn't care or didn't see, walked past his lil shed thing on the way back and heard him laughing, didn't even know there was security before entering lmfao. I guess he didn't expect anyone to try at that time of the morning.

When I went there was an entrance into the changing rooms through a roof window, that has now been blocked off. If you get up on the school hall, there are windows on the top in the middle, they are small but open. I think if you bring a rope and harnesses, you could slip through and abseil down.

The heating room which is separate to everything else was accessible by climbing onto the roof of the main building, and jumping across the 2m gap onto the other roof. There was a latch with a ladder so you could climb down.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hey! Thinking about visiting this place tomorrow, is it still accessible?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

The site is now being demolished for anyone thinking of going. The building seen here was completed 2008, what a great use of public money.

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