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Report - - Chernobyl Zone of Alienation - 5 days in the cold - Winter 2018 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 2 |

Report - Chernobyl Zone of Alienation - 5 days in the cold - Winter 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Amazing report. You certainly have a lot of courage and ability to visit this area. The climb to the top of the Duga Array must rank as one of the greatest ever achiements on 28dayslater..
Interesting to read on other websites about how many wild animals are living in the area, and seem to survive the radiation.
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Ninja Kitten

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
best report ive seen here for years..i want to go back again and do it this way :) such an amazing memory to have big thumbs up
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Fantastic report, and looks like you had an awesome experience. It's a pretty phenomenal place, I'd love to go back one day and experience it in a similar style to the way you did.
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The Stig

Urbex = Nosey Bastard
28DL Full Member
One simple word to say..epic, good read and cracking pictures, well done and thank you for sharing it with us
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That was a great read and some nice shots to go with! Really enjoyed that as I’m sure you did your time there!
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Bespectacled & irrelevant
Regular User
Proper stuff that!

I might have missed it in the text, but did you have drops for water or where you doing the boiling and filtering thing? I think that would worry me more than anything else doing the zone trek.


Regular User
did you have drops for water or where you doing the boiling and filtering thing? I think that would worry me more than anything else doing the zone trek.

This was the thing that worried me the most before we went and I ended up ordering a Seychelle radiological filter and double filtering drinking water with some Ukrainian filters as well. This worked fine until the last 24 hours when all the filters had completely frozen and nothing was doing its job properly. There was a water cache in the town but that had completely frozen too so by that point it really was time to leave!


Bespectacled & irrelevant
Regular User
Yeah, definitely the most worrying part! I guess though that enough people have done It this way now that we would know if they were drinking caesium!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
This is the kind of stuff I wish I could read all the time here.
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