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Report - - Christ church, Weston Point, Runcorn , July 2022 | Other Sites |

Report - Christ church, Weston Point, Runcorn , July 2022

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Some brief history

Christ Church is located out on the docks of Weston, overlooking the River Mersey. It’s construction was completed in 1841 making it 181 years old! It was built as the result of a 1839 petition from dock workers to be allowed to have Sunday off as sabbath (a Christian day of rest and worship), as well as have the option to attend church. The church seated around 400 people and included a 95 feet tower at its centre.

Unfortunately in 1995 it was declared redundant by the Church of England, as the congregation dwindled and lay unused and unmaintained, before being vandalised and scrapped for parts. Today the church stands in the middle of a shipping yard on a small island created by old shipping canal s and weeds.

The explore

After wading through a dense bush of brambles and stinging nettles, the explore turned into a game of Metal Gear Solid, crawling through tall stacks of compost to avoid cameras and workers in neighbouring work sites. Once we got across the bridge to the island the church was on we quickly had a look inside and got out before anyone noticed us.

The inside of the church is in a pretty sorry state, everything is covered in bird poop and there were hymnal sheets and book pages strewn all across the floor.

Here are my pictures, however I am rubbish at flash photography so apologies for that haha













Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Looks like it was a lovely little place. Great set. But I do hate seeing churches/chapels destroyed. So sad.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member


Thank you for the short description and images of the Christ Church. It's wonderful to learn something new about the history of the churches. It makes you understand and see with other eyes these holy places. Although I don't have that much connection with your religion, I find this information interesting. At First Church Love - Home, we don't have that much of a past. However, we tend to protect its dignity and provide for our community a bright future. We strive to give all members a gentle atmosphere to discover themselves.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Such a shame it got vandalised.

Very say to see a historic and listed building in such a condition, let along a church and place of worship, and somewhere so linked to the river and our local community.

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