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Report - Christ Church, Weston Point, Runcorn - March 2024

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"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
The Explore
Explored a few weeks ago during a Northern Road Trip. I quite liked this little church; mostly because of the fact that it was a complete contrast of the senses; a little quaint church amongst an Industrial Behemoth of Dockyard Buildings, Docks and large boats navigating The Mersey in the background. Access was a complete pain the backside and involved a fairly precarious climb over a lovely palisade fence. We got in and took our photos as light faded and decided to just walk out the front gate. A guy who lived on site asked who we were; but was sound and just asked that we bolted the gate when we left.

The History
This quaint little church is located out on the docks of Weston, overlooking the Mersey. Construction was completed in 1841; so its knocking on a bit now! It was built following the petition from Dock Workers to be allowed to have Sunday off as sabbath (a Christian day of rest and worship), as well as the option to attend church IN 1839. The church would originally seat around 400 people and included a 95ft tower.

Sadly; in 1995; due to dwindling congregation; it was declared redundant by The Church of England. The church at this point lay unused and unmaintained, before being vandalised in the early 2000s.










Sadly there wasn't an easy and safe way into the tower; the only way being a knackered old ladder placed on the outside; which didn't really prove to be very helpful anyway.

Thanks for Looking!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
lovely piece of history. Is the church a bit wonky in its build? Or time has warped it, or it could just be me lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
....vandalised in the early 2000s.


Sadly there wasn't an easy and safe way into the tower; the only way being a knackered old ladder placed on the outside; which didn't really prove to be very helpful anyway.

Thanks for Looking!
Such a shame it was vandalised, very sad to see any historic or listed building in such a condition.
You could certainly bring it back to life reasonably easily from here, but I feel its not long before that is no longer the case.
The roof nails are clearly starting to fail, and when that's gone it almost game over. Total loss territory.
Plus each time they 'resecure' it they fire a load more screws into the sandstone windows causing a lot of damage.

But yeah, stairs up the tower have obviously been bricked up, which is a shame, but also understandable.

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