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Report - - Clifton Records Room Bunker - Bristol - June 2020 | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Clifton Records Room Bunker - Bristol - June 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I meant flooded in the sense that it becomes inaccessible, thanks anyway. I guess I should've been more specific
I saw on reddit yesterday that the River Avon was practically overflowing onto the Portway so wouldn't be surprised if it was even more flooded than usual. It has been raining a decent amount recently. But I was there a month ago and it was only really about 1 foot deep. However, if the water gets too high it'll just flow right out of the front door. It's literally completely open to the outside so it won't ever get completely flooded. Easily doable with wellies. Don't go without wellies.

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